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Occupational Safety - Science and Practice

NO 12 (495)  DECEMBER  2012

Substances that may harm reproduction - hazards, exposure and legal framework
Katarzyna Miranowicz-Dzierżawska

In most workplaces, there are various hazards that can adversely affect reproduction. Those substances are often associated with chemical, physical, biological, ergonomic and others factors. This article discusses aspects of this problem associated with chemical hazards which pose a serious risk because of their variety and rate of occurrence.

Double discrimination of women at work
Karolina Pawłowska-Cyprysiak

This article discusses issues connected to discrimination on the labour market, as well as discusses other research on this problem. Considering the situation of women with disabilities, it is reasonable to talk about double discrimination (in the context of both gender and disability). These women are also seen as more passive and unable to perform roles associated with occupational activity.

Protective properties of gloves and conditions of usage - a questionnaire-based survey
Emilia Irzmańska, Agnieszka Stefko

This paper presents the results of a questionnaire-based survey carried out in 30 workplaces such as mechanical workshops, car service centers and car workshops located in Łódź. The aim of the study was to analyze the actual usage conditions of protective gloves during routine work-related activities of employees exposed to mineral oils, lubricants and mechanical factors. The results of the survey confirmed that simultaneous exposure of the glove material to the aforementioned factors for 8 h contributed to more rapid deterioration of protective properties, identified by the users as loss of tightness, evidenced both by perceptible presence of mineral oils inside the gloves and by significant mechanical damage.

Causes of contact dermatitis among people living by cultivation areas requiring intensive chemical protection
Agnieszka Haratym-Maj, Monika Dudra-Jastrzębska, Lucyna Kapka-Skrzypczak, Grzegorz Raszewski, Marta Andres-Mach

This article is based on original research; it discusses the problem of exposure to pesticides in the context of its influence on inducing contact dermatitis. The population researched consisted of 15 women and 48 men, aged 23-65, living near hop-gardens or orchards. The data acquired during the study is disturbing since the immunomodulating influence of pesticides, which causes an increase in the rate of pesticide allergy, points to a potential high risk of farmers in Poland developing autoimmunological diseases and cancers.

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