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Occupational Safety - Science and Practice

NO 8 (491)  AUGUST  2012

Health behavior of paramedics – Health behavior of paramedics –
Przemysław Piotrowski, Marcin Piotrowski

Being a paramedic involves constant contact with different types of diseases and injuries, a huge responsibility for patientsʼ health and life and work under high stress. To cope with chronic stress and to recuperate, one can use healthy or harmful strategies. This article aims to measure and describe health behaviors in paramedics. If we take into consideration the degree of stress at work, paramedicsʼ results can be disturbing. Actions to be taken to raise the level of health behaviors should address two issues: regular training and psychological workshops and group meetings (defusing and debriefing), especially after difficult and exhausting rescue operations.

Safety training with particular emphasis on employees working in the field
Wojciech Dyląg

Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions and a systematic approach to training employees on health and safety is one of the basic obligations of the employer. Training is intended to make employees aware of work-related dangers, inform them about current standards and safety rules and identify safe methods of work. The employer has to conduct initial training in the form of instruction and periodic training. Employees who work in the field are covered by that training since they are employed as blue-collar workers. Participation in training courses is compulsory. The employer covers the cost; the courses take place during employeesʼ working hours.

Cold environment hazard in the aspect of employee’
Anna Marszałek

This article presents problems connected with protective clothing in a cold environment. They concern large personal differences (age, gender, physical characteristic of the body, physical capacity). It discusses results of studies with women and men in different ages, working in a cold environment. The participants divided into comparable age groups (younger and older), wore the same clothing and, in laboratory conditions, did tasks at workstands that resembled real ones. The test showed it was necessary to ensure different protective clothing according to individual requirements and to consider principles connected with safe work in a cold environment.

Opportunities of using piezo film for studying mechanical vibration and feed forces
Piotr Kowalski, Jacek Zając

This paper presents the results of tests of a smart piezoelectric material. DT4-052K/L laminated polyester film with the thickness of PVDF of 52 microns was selected. Frequency characteristics were determined in the 2 Hz – 1600 Hz range with feed forces of 10 – 150 N loading a piezo film. There were two series of measurements for each of the two operators. The results showed that the element most sensitive to feed forces in the frequency range included the main frequency component of hand-arm vibration at the workplace. Properties of a piezo film can be used in developing an adapter for assessing workers’ exposure to hand-arm vibration

Layered baffles in solutions restricting the noise of machinery and tools
Jan Sikora

Workplace acoustics can be improved either via integrated sound-absorbing covers or increased acoustic isolation of the original machinery body. Such anti-noise techniques include thin layered baffles. The article characterizes such techniques in the light of recent technical solutions in reducing noise of machinery and tools and in layered baffles. It also presents some prototype solutions of anti-noise techniques as well as possibilities of including new layered baffles in them, using the example of own research on the acoustic properties of selected layered baffles.

Indicators for assessing OSH management performance of companies
Zofia Pawłowska

Improving OSH management in companies and increasing their effectiveness requires changes in the approach to OSH performance assessment. Traditionally used outcome indicators such as rates of occupational accidents and diseases do not provide information necessary for pro-active OSH management. To enable effective prevention, leading indicators should be used; they characterize working conditions and activities aimed at protecting employees’ health and safety. This article presents leading and outcome OSH indicators as well as a proposal of an integrated OSH performance indicator. It also discusses basic advantages and disadvantages of using different indicators.

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August 2012


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