General information
 The Institute is the main research institution comprehensively dealing with the problems of improving working conditions in accordance with human psychophysical abilities. The subject of the Institute’s activity is conducting research and development works leading to new technical and organisational solutions in the field of labour protection, related to occupational safety, health and ergonomics as well as carrying out other tasks especially important for reaching the goals of the state’s social-economic policy in this field.
 Principal activities of the Institute:

- conducting research and development work, and realisation of other tasks set for the Institute by the Council of Ministers in long-term programmes, and implementing the results into practice in order to eliminate or reduce the causes of accidents at work and occupational diseases,
- disseminating the results of the above-mentioned works in publications, competitions, exhibitions, scientific conferences, symposia and seminars,
- improving methods of conducting research and development works,
- creating educational curricula and aids for the national education system, training and postgraduate education,
- developing and providing opinions on standards and guidelines of labour protection,
- certification within obtained accreditation, certification of other products or services related to occupational safety and health, and laboratory tests for certification purposes,
- scientific, technical and economic information,
- domestic and international scientific cooperation,
- developing analyses, assessments and expert opinions,
- other tasks assigned by the supervisory body, in accordance with the Institute’s statute.
The Institute is a legally, organisationally, economically and financially independent state body.
There are 284 employees, including scientific staff (professors 21%, assistant professors 55%, assistants 24%).
The Institute is entitled to confer doctor's degree in the field of environment engineering.