- Director
Prof. Danuta Koradecka, Ph. D., D. Med. Sc.
e-mail: dakor@ciop.pl
- Deputy director for management systems and certification
Daniel Podgórski, Ph. D.
e-mail: dapod@ciop.pl
- Deputy director for technology and implementation
Wiktor M. Zawieska, Ph.D. (Eng.), D.Sc. (Eng.)
e-mail: mazaw@ciop.pl
- Deputy director for administration
Mirosław Flejmer, M. Sc.
e-mail: mifle@ciop.pl
 Scientific Council

- Chairman
Prof.Zbigniew ENGEL, Ph.D. (Eng.), D.Sc. (Eng.) |
- Vice-chairmen:
- prof. Leon GRADOŃ, Ph.D. (Eng.), D.Sc. (Eng.)
- prof. Adam LIPOWCZAN, Ph.D. (Eng.), D.Sc. (Eng.)
- Secretary Dariusz Pleban, Ph. D. (Eng.)
- Members of the Scientific Council:
- prof. Wiesław BAJON, Ph.D. (Eng.)
- Grażyna BARTKOWIAK, Ph.D. (Eng.)
- prof. Roman BROSZKIEWICZ, Ph.D., D.Sc.
- Alfred BRZOZOWSKI, M.Sc. (Eng.)
- Joanna BUGAJSKA, M.D., Ph.D.
- prof. Bogusław BUSZEWSKI, Ph.D., D.Sc.
- Andrzej DĄBROWSKI, Ph.D. (Eng.)
- prof. Jacek DUTKIEWICZ, Ph.D., D.Sc.
- Rafał GÓRNY, Ph.D., D.Sc.
- prof. Barbara GWOREK, Ph.D., D.Sc.
- prof. Marek JAKUBOWSKI, Ph.D., D.Sc.
- prof. Krzysztof KĘDZIOR, Ph.D. (Eng.), D.Sc. (Eng.)
- prof. Maria KONARSKA, Ph.D., D.Sc.
- prof. Robert KOSIŃSKI, Ph.D. (Eng.), D.Sc. (Eng.)
- prof. Leszek KRYST, Ph. D., D. Med. Sc
- Katarzyna MAJCHRZYCKA, Ph.D. (Eng.)
- prof. Tadeusz MISSALA, Ph.D. (Eng.)
- prof. Stanisław PASZKOWSKI, Ph.D. (Eng.), D.Sc. (Eng.)
- prof. Ryszard POHORECKI, Ph.D. (Eng.), D.Sc. (Eng.)
- prof. Zbigniew POPIOŁEK, Ph.D. (Eng.), D.Sc. (Eng.)
- Małgorzata POŚNIAK, Ph.D.
- Danuta ROMAN-LIU, Ph.D. (Eng.), D.Sc. (Eng.)
- Małgorzata SZEWCZYŃSKA, Ph.D.
- Konrad TOTT, Ph.D. (Eng.), D.Sc. (Eng.)
- prof. Stanisław WINCENCIAK, Ph.D. (Eng.), D.Sc. (Eng.)
- Agnieszka WOLSKA, Ph.D. (Eng.)
- The Scientific Council has the following commissions:
- Commission for the Assessment of Plans and Reports
- Commission for the Assessment of the Qualifications
of Researchers and Technicians Involved in Research
- Commission for Scientific Development
The Institute’s Scientific Council provides decision making, project initiation, opinion dissemination, and advisory services. It defines the direction of the Institute’s development and provides advice on scientific, research and technology staffing. The Council is entitled to express opinions on all of the Institute’s activities. Its tasks include defining farreaching goals for the Institute’s scientific, development and introductory activities; critiquing topical and financial plans and annual reports; evaluating qualifications of candidates for scientific, research and technology positions, and assessing periodically their scientific and technical achievements; preparatory proceedings into conferring academic degrees and titles; and running Ph.D. programmes.
The Institute’s Scientific Council was appointed in 1950. Since then it has included distinguished scientists representing diverse scientific disciplines involved in defining, studying and shaping safe and healthy work environments. The Council was originally chaired by Professor Ignacy Malecki, Ph.D., to be later headed by Professor Dionizy Smoleñski, Ph.D., Professor Jerzy Olszewski, Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor Stanis³aw Paszkowski, Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor Jan Kostrzewski, Ph.D. D.Sc., Professor Adam Lipowczan, Ph.D. (Eng.) D.Sc. (Eng.), and since 1999 by Professor Zbigniew Engel, Ph.D. (Eng.) D.Sc. (Eng.). Since December 1996, the Institute has been entitled to grant doctorates in environmental engineering. The Council has so far overseen 21 defences of doctoral dissertations.
The following Commissions operate as part of the Council:
– Commission for the Assessment of Plans and Reports
– Commission for the Assessment of Qualifications of Researchers and Technicians Involved in Research
– Commission for Scientific Development
– Commission for Ph.D. Programmes, acting in accordance with the 12 September 1990 Act on academic degrees and academic titles.