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Occupational Safety - Science and Practice

NO 12 (483) DECEMBER 2011

Nanoobiekty w środowisku pracy
Elżbieta Jankowska

Structure and functions of a logistics management infrastructure as a basis for determining occupational threats throughout its exploitation
Wiesław Bajon

Realizing logistic processes is related to, among other things, using elements of the so-called logistics management infrastructure. This article describes a branch of a logistics management infrastructure, understood as a system of technical and stationary (infrastructure) or mobile (superstructure) that makes it possible to realize logistic processes. It also describes 4 groups of logistics management infrastructure, from the point of view of their technical characteristics as well as to signal advisability (necessity) of determining potential occupational hazards that may occur throughout the activity of those groups.

Problems of sustainable development in a vibroacoustic analysis of the work environment
Anna Wawrzeńczyk-Zdżyłowska, Wiktor M. Zawieska

This article presents problems of sustainable development in relation to a vibroacoustic analysis of the work environment. It discusses rules of creating indicators of sustainable development as well as vibracoustic indicators of the work environment: global WG and partial Wi. A sample analysis of the acoustic climate performed in an industrial yard illustrates those rules.

Interaction of hot welding particles with protective clothing for welders – –
Krzysztof Łężak

This article presents the role of clothing protecting welders against the harmful effects of heat and hot metal particles created during a welding process. It presents a method of measuring the resistance of clothing materials, which describes unequivocally protective properties of materials against the occurance of permanent settlement of a hot metal particle on the material and its possible damage resulting from either liquefication or burning through.

Biomass as a source of biological hazards
Małgorzata Gołofit-Szymczak, Anna Ławniczek - Wałczyk

For the Polish energy sector, the obligation to conform to the European Union’s requirements regarding the production of energy from renewable natural resources has resulted in an increase in the number of power plants, which use biomass as a source of electric energy. Organic dust released during processing and using biomass is the main occupational hazard for workers of this branch of the power industry. As a vegetable source of energy, the biomass contains not only organic matter but also microorganisms, which can have an adverse effect on human health due to their toxic, irritating and allergenic properties.

Problems associated with assessing the thermal environment with the PMV index
Andrzej Sobolewski, Magdalena Zwolińska

This article discusses estimating the PMV (Predicted Mean Vote) index as an indicator of thermal comfort. In general, the power flux used for mechanical work is not considered in calculating PMV (especially at a high rate of metabolism). This article considers the differences between the PMV values calculated for W = 0 and W ≠ 0. The need to estimate the uncertainty of the PMV index is discussed, too.

Expectations motivating teachers to take up work in education
Beata Taradejna

This article presents research on the expectations teachers had regarding their occupation before taking up work at school and on the importance of those expectations. The results of the research indicate an evolution of motives and expectations that the teachers had when choosing their occupation. New expectations motivating teachers to choose teaching as a profession are related to elements accompanying occupational self-realization.

Alfred Brzozowski, Marta Derlicka, Agnieszka Szczygielska

Static outdoor advertising does not require any activity from the audience and yet it is an enormously powerful medium. Mass impact of that kind of advertisement is often achieved with rather complex methods and various carriers both outside and inside workspaces (outdoor and indoor advertising, respectively). Posters remain a very efficient and at the same time popular means in companies. Based on expressing connotations in an artistic way, they reach workers employees with a specific, useful message, and bring together the worlds of art and reality.

Marking of PPE with the CE sign in the light of public procurement
Monika Drygała-Puto

This article presents legal aspects of compliance evaluation of personal protective equipment, the problems of article submission under proper procedures of compliance evaluation and means of legal protection inherent to manufacturers.

Analyses of chosen statistic data on accidents at work
Szymon Ordysiński

This paper presents chosen findings of analysis of data on accidents at work (gathered with “Accident Statistical Card Z-KW”), which were performed in Central Institute of Labour Protection – National Research Institute. There are presented results of: most commonly occur sequence of events which lead to work accidents, course and circumstances of fatal work accidents.

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