- Designing a workplace for workers with motion disability with computer simulation and virtual reality techniques
Paweł Budziszewski, Andrzej Grabowski, Jarosław Jankowski, Marcin Milanowicz, p. 6-8
- Effectiveness of programs dedicated to modifying unsafe behaviors in Polish enterprises
Małgorzata Pęciłło, p. 9-11
- Assessing exposure to biological and chemical agents in small eateries
Joanna Kowalska, Lidia Zapór, p. 12-15
- Magnetic fields in buildings with electrical power equipment –
Krzysztof Gryz, Jolanta Karpowicz, Patryk Zradziński, p. 16-19
- Risk factors in antiquity conservation
Wiktor Hejmdalski, p. 20-23
- Proposals for improvement of safety management in the cycle of road transport of dangerous goods
Jerzy S. Michalik, Agnieszka Gajek, Paweł Janik, Sławomir Zając, Ariadna Koniuch, Anna Obolewicz, Rafał Porowski, p. 24-27
- News in the e-bulletin for micro-firms - OSH in family farms
Andrzej Kratochwil, Andrzej Biernacki, Małgorzata Suchecka, p. 28-29
Designing a workplace for workers with motion disability with computer simulation and virtual reality techniques Paweł Budziszewski, Andrzej Grabowski, Jarosław Jankowski, Marcin Milanowicz
This paper describes a method of adapting workplaces for workers with motion disability with virtual reality techniques. A simulated work space built with computer models of all important objects of a real workplace makes it possible to assess the ability of a worker with a disability to work, propose modifications and analyse their influence on ergonomics and work efficiency. All these tasks are performed with the participation of a worker with a disability, which ensures that the workplace fits the worker’s needs.
Effectiveness of programs dedicated to modifying unsafe behaviors in Polish enterprises Małgorzata Pęciłło
This article presents findings of a project aimed at implementing programs for modifying unsafe behaviors in three Polish enterprises. The results of the project show that behavior-based programs contribute to increasing safety culture and the employees’ quality of life, and thus they can be viewed as an effective accident prevention tool.
Assessing exposure to biological and chemical agents in small eateries Joanna Kowalska, Lidia Zapór
This paper presents the problem of exposure to biological and chemical agents often found in small eateries. It also discusses the results of risk assessment at those workplaces, which had been as a result of the tasks conducted by CIOP-PIB as part of state services.
Magnetic fields in buildings with electrical power equipment – Krzysztof Gryz, Jolanta Karpowicz, Patryk Zradziński
This paper discusses electromagnetic hazards caused by electrical power equipment in buildings (transformer stations, extended power supplying installations) in relation to results of studies on public exposure to low-frequency magnetic fields. It presents the level of the electromagnetic field and measures for reducing it in the vicinity of electrical power equipment.
Risk factors in antiquity conservation Wiktor Hejmdalski
A conservator’s work brings exposure to a high number of harmful agents, irrespective of specialization. This article estimates the number of workers in the field of conservation and discusses the occupational risks they are exposed to. Also, good practices at work and the arrangement of a conservator’s workspace are listed together with ways of determining exposure to harmful substances.
Proposals for improvement of safety management in the cycle of road transport of dangerous goods Jerzy S. Michalik, Agnieszka Gajek, Paweł Janik, Sławomir Zając, Ariadna Koniuch, Anna Obolewicz, Rafał Porowski
This article defines the types of measures and actions for improving safety of road transport of dangerous goods taking into account the main cause of accidents with the attributes of major accidents in road transport of dangerous goods, i.e., disregard for traffic rules. Analyses showed that the system of training persons involved in transport of dangerous goods, the organizational system of the State Fire Service rescue units, and the procedures for responding and mitigating the effects of transport accidents in Poland are good and that they function properly. In this situation, selecting the most appropriate transport routes can reduce the risk of an accident with the attributes of a major accident. This article proposes a method of selecting the least risky transport route for dangerous goods by evaluating a strip of land 1.5 km from the axis of the road in terms of demographics, public utilities, particularly sensitive environment as well as by evaluating a number of technical and construction parameters of routes related to the basic features of road traffic.
News in the e-bulletin for micro-firms - OSH in family farms Andrzej Kratochwil, Andrzej Biernacki, Małgorzata Suchecka
This article presents the latest section in the news e-bulletin for micro-firms adapted to promoting safety culture among individual farmers working at farms producing livestock and/or crops. The e-bulletin dedicated to family farmers provides basic information on the principles of safe work in various farm tasks and checklists for identifying occupational risk and designing prevention methods for reducing occupational risk.