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- New criteria for limits of exposure to nonlaser optical radiation
Agnieszka Wolska
- Non-laser optical radiation. Documentation of maximum admissible values for occupational exposure
Stanisław Marzec, Cezary Kozłowski, Jan Grzesik, Robert Kosiński, Eżbieta Janosik
- Non-laser visible and infrared radiation. Measuring procedure
Stanisław Marzec, Cezary Kozłowski, Agnieszka Wolska
- Non-laser ultraviolet radiation. Measuring procedure
Stanisław Marzec, Cezary Kozłowski, Agnieszka Wolska
- Benzenethiol. Documentation of maximum admissible values for occupational exposure
Renata Soćko, Sławomir Czerczak
- Phenylmethanol. Documentation of maximum admissible values for occupational exposure
Katarzyna Konieczko, Sławomir Czerczak
- 2-Phenylopropene. Documentation of maximum admissible values for occupational exposure
Jerzy K. Piotrowski, Czesław Orłowski
- Phosgene. Documentation of maximum admissible values for occupational exposure
Roman Knapek
- Glycerol (aerosol). Documentation of maximum admissible values for occupational exposure
Katarzyna Konieczko, Sławomir Czerczak
- Contents of Nos. 3(33)2002 – 2(36)2003
New criteria for limits of exposure to nonlaser optical radiation Agnieszka Wolska
New regulations related to maximum permissible intensities of harmful for health factors in the working environment will come into force on June 19th, 2003. They obligate employers to assess optical radiation hazards at workplaces according to new criteria.
This article presents those criteria, differences between current obligatory criteria and the new ones and it explains some aspects of the new criteria which can be interpreted incorrectly.
Non-laser optical radiation. Documentation of maximum admissible values for occupational exposure Stanisław Marzec, Cezary Kozłowski, Jan Grzesik, Robert Kosiński, Eżbieta Janosik
The Polish Standard for broad-band (non-laser) optical radiation contains separate exposure limits for ultraviolet (UV), visible light (VIS) and infrared (IR) radiation.
The permissible limit of effective radiant exposure of the eye and skin to UV radiation in the wavelength band from 180 to 400 nm during the work shift is 30 J/m² (spectrally weighted, using the relative spectral effectiveness Sλ. In addition to protecting against photochemical cataracts, radiant exposure of the eye to UV-A radiation (in the wavelength from 315 to 400 nm) should not exceed 10 000 J/mm² during the work shift.
To protect against retinal photochemical injury from light sources subtending an angle α ≥ 11 mrad, the effective spectral radiance of a light source Lλ (spectrally weighted using the relative spectral effectiveness Bλ) should not exceed:

where: Δλ represents a given wavelength interval, ti − the duration of a single exposure (in seconds), t − the duration of total exposure.
To protect against retinal photochemical injury from light sources subtending an angle α < 11 mrad, the effective spectral irradiance of a light source Eλ (spectrally weighted using the relative spectral effectiveness Bλ) should not exceed:

To protect against retinal thermal injury, the spectral radiance of a light source Lλ (spectrally weighted using the relative spectral effectiveness Rλ) should not exceed:

where: α – angular subtense of the source has a minimum value of 1.7 mrad and the maximum of 100 mrad, ti – the duration of a single exposure (in seconds), minimum 10 µs, maximum – 10 s.
To protect the retina against IR-A radiation and the duration of a single exposure ti > 10 s, the effective spectral radiance Lλ of the source, (spectrally weighted using the relative spectral effectiveness Rλ), should be limited to:

The α is limited to 100 mrad.
To avoid thermal injury of the cornea and possible deleyed effects on the lens of the eye, IR irradiance should be limited to 100 W/m² for the duration of a single exposure ti ≥ 1000 s, and to 18 000 ti-3/4 W/m² for the duration of exposure ti < 1000 s.
To protect the skin from thermal injury, VIS and IR radiant exposure for the duration ti ≤ 10 s should be limited to 20 000 ti1/4 J/m².
Non-laser visible and infrared radiation. Measuring procedure Stanisław Marzec, Cezary Kozłowski, Agnieszka Wolska
The aim of the measurements was to estimate the values of the intensity of non-laser visible (VIS) and infrared (IR) radiation to rate human exposure in the working area. Methods of measuring and parameter rating non-laser visible and infrared radiation of any sources at workplaces are shown.
Non-laser ultraviolet radiation. Measuring procedure Stanisław Marzec, Cezary Kozłowski, Agnieszka Wolska
The aim of the measurements was to estimate the values of the intensity of non-laser ultraviolet (UV) radiation to rate human exposure in the working area. Methods of measuring and parameter rating non-laser ultraviolet radiation of any sources at workplaces are shown.
Benzenethiol. Documentation of maximum admissible values for occupational exposure Renata Soćko, Sławomir Czerczak
Benzenethiol is a colorless liquid with an offensive, garlic-like odor. An odor threshold of 0.00094 ppm has been reported. It is flammable and a dangerous fire risk.
Benzenethiol is used as a chemical intermediate, solvent, and mosquito larvicide. Benzenethiol has caused irritation of the mucous membranes of the lips, mouth, and nose in humans and animals. Benzenethiol can cause severe dermatitis, headaches, and dizziness.
The MAC of 2 mg/m³ is based on analogy with a similar but more toxic compound, ethyl mercaptan. This limit would protect workers from significant risks of CNS effects, other systemic injuries, and skin irritation potentially associated with exposure to benzenethiol above the MAC. At this time, there are no bases for establishing a STEL value.
Considering benzenethiol skin absorption in the liquid and vapour form we suggest additional notation (Sk).
Phenylmethanol. Documentation of maximum admissible values for occupational exposure Katarzyna Konieczko, Sławomir Czerczak
Phenylmethanol (benzyl alcohol) is a clear, colorless liquid with a pleasant, aromatic odour and burning taste. It is widely used in the industry, mainly in the textile industry. It is employed in the manufacture of perfumes, pharmaceuticals, inks and dyestuffs. It is also widely used as a lacquer, wax and resin solvent, as a developer, as a preservative in injectable saline and other injectable drugs and as an intermediate in organic synthesis.
Phenylmethanol is classified as harmful by inhalation and if swallowed. Ingestion of large volumes is followed by vomiting, diarrhea and central nervous system depression. The aerosol or vapour may cause eye, nose and throat irritation (cough, sore throat), but there are no quantitative data and phenylmethanol is not classified as irritant. There is no evidence of carcinogenic activity of benzyl alcohol for mice and rats under the conditions of 2-year gavage studies.
Based on animal data no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) after oral administration of phenylmethanol was established at 400 mg/kg for systemic symptoms. Based on this value The Expert Group for Chemical Agents established an 8-hour TWA value of 240 mg/m³. No STEL and BEI were recommended.
2-Phenylopropene. Documentation of maximum admissible values for occupational exposure Jerzy K. Piotrowski, Czesław Orłowski
2-Phenylpropene (alpha-methylstyrene, AMS) is a colourless liquid with a characteristic odour. It is obtained through catalytic alkylation of benzene by propylene or by dehydrogenation of cumene. It is used as a monomer in the production of specific polymers and resins; since that is where exposure mainly occurs.
There are no clinical or epidemiological data on the toxicity of AMS in humans. The only data on humans (4 volunteers) were aimed at odour sensitivity. Limited information indicates that the threshold of odour perceptibility in humans is below 50 mg/m³. Following exposure by inhalation lasting for several minutes at a concentration of 241 mg/m³ (50 ppm) odour perceptibility was observed, with no irritation; at a concentration of 482 mg/m³ (100 ppm), a strong odour was noted, with no definite discomfort.
The LD50 (per os) for male rats was established at 4900 mg/kg. AMS exerts moderate irritation of the eye and skin.
In rats, guinea pigs, rabbits and monkeys exposed by inhalation at a concentration of AMS of 964 mg/m³ (200 ppm)7 hrs a day, 5 days a week for 197 days, no effects were noted whereas at a concentration of 2892 mg/m³ (600 ppm) a certain number of rabbits died, and in rats as well as in guinea pigs slight changes were noted of liver and kidneys weight; no effects were found in monkeys. The most sensitive effect, which probably does not occur in humans, was hyaline droplet nephropathy, only found in male rats. This occurs at a threshold of 250 ppm (1205 mg/m³) following exposure 6 hrs per day, 5 days a week for 9 days. It is characteristic that the authors were unable to find any biochemical or histopathological alterations although at the higher concentration some animals (mice, rabbits) died.
Scarce data indicate that AMS may act as a mutagen. There is no data on other remote toxic effects.
From the available data it follows that the threshold of irritation in humans (100 ppm) is lower than the threshold in animals (600 ppm). Assuming that the concentration of 200 ppm may be accepted as NOAEL (as there were no effects in several animal species) and introducing 2 uncertainty factors (A = 2 accounting for differences in human susceptibility, and B = 2 to account for interspecies extrapolation) with a product of 4 the MAC (TWA) value equals 240 mg/m³.
The above value of MAC (TWA) is identical with that accepted in most countries. At the same time it is higher by a factor of 5 from the value of MAC (TWA) for styrene in Poland 50 mg/m³). An arbitrary value of 480 mg/m³ was accepted as the MAC (STEL) (short term exposure).
Phosgene. Documentation of maximum admissible values for occupational exposure Roman Knapek
Phosgene is a colorless, nonflammable gas, which has a sweet pungent odour. Upon condensation, it becomes a clear, colorless, fuming liquid. Phosgene is an intermediate in the manufacture of many industrial chemicals, in Poland mainly for the production of isocyanates. Acute intoxication caused strong lung irritation and pulmonary edema. Serve acute exposure may result in pulmonary emphysema.
Chronic exposure to low concentrations of phosgene may cause loss of efficiency of lungs.
The limited human information available indicates that no effects have been seen following exposure to levels of 0,5 ÷ 2 mg/m³ for extended periods. Chronic exposure toxicity in industry in not known, but it is generally accepted that loss of lung efficiency may result from repeated minor exposure.
There are not sufficient data from human observation and epidemiologic studies to establish a TLV value.
The recommended TLV value for phosgene of 0,08 mg/m³ is based on the result from a subchronic study on rats. In the study the concentration of 0,5 mg/m³ was accepted as NOAEL. Because of strong irritation of the respiratory tract after exposure to phosgene a STEL value of 0,16 mg/m³ is recommended.
There are not data for recommending a BEL value.
Glycerol (aerosol). Documentation of maximum admissible values for occupational exposure Katarzyna Konieczko, Sławomir Czerczak
Glycerol is a clear, colorless and almost odourless, slight volatile oily liquid with sweet taste.
Glycerol is widely used as a solvent and as a component of paints, varnishes, printing inks and adhesives. It is also used as an intermediate in the farmaceutical and chemical industry and as a plastificator in the textile industry.
Both acute and long-term toxicity is low. No carcinogenic, mutagenic and reproductive effects were documented. Based on animal data glycerol causes only slight eye irritation and it is not irritating to the skin. No observed effect level (NOEL) was established at 167 mg/m³ for the effects connected with irritation based on results of 13-week inhalation experiment on rats.
Therefore The Expert Group of Chemical Agents established the 8-hour TWA value of 10 mg/m³ for aerosol of glycerol. No STEL and BEI were recommended.