The International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre CIS
has been operating since 1959 within the framework of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in Geneva, fulfilling the role of a worldwide information centre, collecting and disseminating literature about occupational safety and health, protection against accidents and occupational diseases, ergonomics, environmental engineering and many other related areas.
The CIS Centre in Geneva has organised a network of about 155 National, Collaborating and Regional CIS Centres, in more than 100 countries on all continents. In 2004 the first Regional CIS Centre was organised. The network of CIS Centres constitutes a worldwide OSH information system.

The International CIS Centre
- Collects relevant literature on occupational safety and health and related areas
- Operates an information service
- Promotes OSH information, among others on its website
- Develops computer databases
- Organises conferences and training
- Organises the international network of National, Collaborating and Regional CIS Centres and cooperates with them
In Poland, the role of the National CIS Centre is fulfilled by the Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute

The tasks of the Polish National CIS Centre include:
- Dissemination of information and publications acquired from CIS network
- Supply of information to the CIS Centre in Geneva on Polish literature and events in the area of occupational safety and ergonomics to be included in the information sources
- Dissemination of information on the activities and publications of the CIS Centres
- Spreading information received from the network of CIS Centres
- Cooperation with the CIS information network
- Intermediation between the national users of information and the CIS Centre in Geneva and other countries
The Polish National CIS Centre collects, stores and distributes information materials prepared by the International Labour Office ILO, the International CIS Centre and the National Centres. This includes magazines and bulletins, databases, programmes of activities, information on the latest publications, as well as schedules of courses and conferences.
The National CIS Centre promotes the publications of the International CIS Centre, including the ILO Occupational Safety and Health Encyclopaedia.
It also makes accessible among others the CISILO/CISDOC database that has been developed by the CIS Centre in Geneva, as well as the CISDOC-TEXT database, containing the full content of documents (up to 150 pages), excerpts of which are contained in the CISDOC database.


28 APRIL 2013

28 April 2013(ILO) - World Day for Safety and Health at Work
(ITUC) - International Commemoration Day for Dead and Injured Workers

28 APRIL 2012

28 April 2012(ILO) - World Day for Safety and Health at Work
(ITUC) - International Commemoration Day for Dead and Injured Workers