Partners of the National CIS Centre
Just as other Centres, the Polish National CIS Centre works with the International Centre in developing the international CISDOC database, which includes information on worldwide literature in the area of occupational safety and related subjects.
Because of the strict selection of items for this database, we only prepare documentary analyses of the most important and representative literature in this area for Poland.
The National Centre organises a network of Polish partners - institutions, in order to correctly select these items. These partners provide us with selected publications of their workers and possibly other Polish documents that are worth documenting.
The collaborating institutions may also provide information to the National CIS Centre on important events, conferences, courses etc.
The National CIS Centre prepares documentary analyses (abstracts) in English of Polish publications that are received and submits these analyses, as well as the original documents, to the International CIS Centre, as well as including the information on the documents that have been prepared on its website.
The list of analyses prepared since 01/01/2003 is continuously included in the section “Analysis of literature”.
Similarly, information received on events – which are included on the National Centre’s website – and selected information is translated into English and sent to the foreign publications connected with the CIS network (Bulleting ILO - CIS, CIS Newsletter).
The partner institutions receive information electronically from the Polish National CIS Centre about information and publications received from the network of CIS Centres, as well as new editions of the "CIS Newsletter" and they are able to order information services from the Centre, such as free literature searches on selected topics.
Cooperation in the selection of literature allows for the international distribution of information on the most significant Polish achievements in the area of occupational safety and health.
 List of institutions that have submitted their declarations to work with the National CIS Centre:
- Bureau for Chemical Substances and Preparations, Łódz
- Central Library of Labour and Social Security, Warsaw
- Central Mining Institute, Katowice
- National Fire Brigade Headquarters, Warsaw
- Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź
- National Commission of the NSZZ “Solidarity” trade union, Warsaw
- Institute of Environmental Protection, Warsaw
- National Labour Inspectorate, Warsaw