Biblioteka - Nabytki zagraniczne
 Styczeń 2002 r.
Autor, tytuł | Sygnatura |
HCI Integrnational 2001 intgernational conference on Human-Computer-Interaction. Lawrance Aribvaum and Associates 2001 |
25285 |
A new impetus for Community Occupational health policy. Brussels: TUTB 2001 |
M-13214 |
Nayefeh, Ali H.: Nonlinear interactions: Analytical computational, and experimental methods. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2000 |
25270 |
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association Washington. American Psychological Association 2001 |
25295 |
Systems, social and internationalization design aspects of human-computer interaction. Mahwah: Lawrance Eribaum Associatex, Publishers, 2001 |
25283 |
Uniwersal acces in HCI: Towards an information society for all./Vol. 3. Lawrence Eribaum Associatex, Publishers 2001 |
25284 |
Usability evaluation and interface design: Cognitive engineering, intelligent agents and virtual reality. Lawrence Eribaum Associates, Publishers, 2001 |
25282 |
Walters, David: Health and safety in small enterprises. Bruxelles: P.I.E. -Peter Lang, 2001 |
25269 |
 Luty 2002 r.
Autor, tytuł | Sygnatura |
Fraser Ian: Market surveillance of personal protective equipment in France Brussels: European Trade Union Technical Bureau for Health and Safety 2000 |
25374 24508 |
Kroemer Karl H.E. Kroemer Anne D.: Office ergonomics. London: Taylor and Francis 2001 |
25375 |
The noise Manual American Industrial Hygiene Association 2000 |
25368 |
Social protection in the EU Member States and the European Economic Area Luxemburg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 2001 |
M-13270 |
Yearbook of labour statistics Geneva: International Labour Office 2001 |
M-13266 |
 Marzec 2002 r.
Autor, tytuł | Sygnatura |
Environmental Occupational Medicine. Ed. William N. Rom Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1998 |
25390 |
Kroemer Karl, Kroemer Henrike, Kroemer-Elbert Katrin: Ergonomics.How to design for ease and efficiency. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 2001 |
25388 |
Toxicology of the human environment.The critical role of free radicals. Ed. Ch.J. Rhodes London: Taylor & Francis, 2000 |
25389 |
The world report 1999. Making a difference. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1999 |
M-13277 |
 Kwiecień 2002 r.
Autor, tytuł | Sygnatura |
Major hazard control. A practical manual. An ILO contribution to the International Programme on Chemical Safety of UNEP, ILO, WHO(IPSC) Geneva: International Labour Office, 1993 |
M-13291 |
The New Penguin English dictionary. London: Penguin Books, 2000 |
25432 25454 |
Oakland, John, Morris, Peter.: TQM A pictorial guide for managers.Ilustrowany przewodnik manadżera. Warszawa: Centrum Informacji Menadżera, 2000 |
25453 |
Occupational injury: risk, prevention and intervention. London: Taylor 7 Francis, 1998 |
25437 |
Korzybski, Alfred.: Science and sanity. New York: Institute of General Semantics, 1994 |
25460 |
Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices (TLVs and Bels) Cincinnati: ACGIH, 2002 |
25431 |
 Maj 2002 r.
Autor, tytuł | Sygnatura |
Aldwin Carolyn M.: Stress, coping and development.New York: The Guilford Press, 2002 |
Douglas, Mary Wildavsky, Aaron: Risk and culture: An essay on the selection of technological and environmental dangersBarkeley: University of Calif, 1982 |
25472 |
Douglas, Mary Wildavsky, Aaron: Risk and culture: An essay on the selection of technological and environmental dangersBarkeley: University of Calif, 1982 |
25472 |
Maher, Mary Lou, Simoff, Simeon J. Cicognani, Anna.London: Springer-Verlag, 1999 |
25500 |
Paoli, Pascal. Merlle, Damien: Third European survey on working conditions 200.Dublin: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2001 |
M-13296 |
Quality of work and employment in Europe, Issues and challenges.Dublin: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2002 |
25477 |
Risk and sociocultural theory: New directions and perspectives.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999 |
25499 |
Storrie, Donald: Temporary agency work in the European Union.Dublin: European Foundation for the Imporovement of Living and Working conditions, 2002 |
M-13297 |
Working conditions in atypical work.Dublin: Working Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions |
M-13298 |
 Czerwiec, 2002 r.
Autor, tytuł | Sygnatura |
Collie, Joanne: Double Take. Language practice: Teacher's Book, Oxford: Oxford Unoversity Press, 1996 |
M-13338 M-13340 |
Collie, Joanne: Double Take. Language practice: Listening and speaking, Oxford: Oxford Unoversity Press, 1996 |
M-13337 M-13339 |
Contemporary Ergonomics 2002 New York 2002 |
25513 |
Doff, Adrian. Becket, Carolyn: Listening 1. Student's Book Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991 |
M-13334 |
Doff, Adrian. Becket, Carolyn: Listening 1. Student's Book Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994 |
M-13335 M-13336 |
Ergonomics action in mining: The results of the fifth ECSC programme Luxembourg: European Communities, 1994 |
25517 |
Interaction and nonlinear effects in structural equation modeling Lawrence Eribaum Associates, Publishers 1998 |
25512 |
Richards, Jack C.: Listen carefully Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990 |
M-13341 M-13342 M-13343 |
 lipiec/sierpień 2002 r.
Autor, tytuł | Sygnatura |
Annual Report JISHA 1999 Tokyo: Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association, 1999 |
M-13344 |
Bazelyan, E.M. Raizer, Yu P: Spark discharge CRC Press 1997 |
25534 |
Bielenski Herald Bosch, Gerhard Wagner Alexandra Working time preferences in sixteen European Countries Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2002 |
M-13355 |
Collie Joanne: Double Take. Language practice: Listening and speaking Oxford: Oxford Unoversity Press, 1996 |
M-13337 M-13339 M-13348 M-13349 M-13350 M-13351 |
Cross Jean: Electrostatics. Principles, problems and applications Bristol: IOP Publishing Limited, 1987 |
25586 |
Doff Adrian, Becket Carolyn: Listening 1. Student's Book Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991 |
M-13334 M-13346 M-13347 M-13352 M-13352 |
General guidebook on industrial health 2001 Tokyo: Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association Japan: 2001 |
M-13369 |
Health and Safety Campaigning Getting the Message Across Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2001 |
M-13359 |
High technology in Poland Warszawa: ASET Promotion Co., Ltd, 2002 |
M-13380 |
 wrzesień 2002
autor, tytuł | sygnatura |
Current Research Projects 2002-10-01 Helsinki: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health 2002 |
M-13455 |
IEA Triennal Report 1997-2002 Santa Monika: International Ergonomics Association 1999 |
M-13449 |
Jahresbericht 2001 Sankt Augustin: Hauptverband der Gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften ( HVBG ) 2001 |
M-13427 |
 Październik 2002
Autor, tytuł | Sygnatura |
Callan method: Student’s book. Zeszyt 1-5 Cambridge: Orchard Publishing Ltd, 2000 |
25685 25686 25687 25688 25689 25690 25691 |
Complex systems. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000 |
25707 |
IEA Triennial Report 1997-2000. Santa Monika: International Ergonomics Press, 2000 |
M-13449 |
Inventory of socioeconomic cost of work accidents. Luxembourg:European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2000 |
M-13456 |
Roughton J., Mercurio J.: Developing an effective safety culture: A leadership approach. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002 |
25710 |
Royster L.H., Doswell Royster J.: The noise-vibration problem-solution workbook. Fairfax: American Industrial Hygiene Ass., 2002 |
25678 |
Sanders, B.: Flash ActionScript. Warszawa: HELION, 2001 |
25639 |
Schabracq,Marc.Cooper., Travers Ch., Maanen D.:Occupational health psychology: The challenge of workplace stress. London: The British Psychological Society, 2001 |
25656 |
Social support measurement and intervention: A guide for health and social scientists. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000 |
25708 |
Stewart J.M.:Managing for world class safety. New York: John Wiley and Sons,Inc. 2002 |
25709 |
TQM and human factors: towards successful integration. Vol. 1-2 Proceedings of the International Conference. Linkoping: Centre for Studies of Humans, Technology and Organization, 1999 |
M-13454M 13455 |
Well-Being in Organizations. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, 2001 |
25655 |
Wellness in the workplace. Hamilton: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 2002 |
25674 25675 25676 25677 |
 Listopad 2002
Autor, tytuł | Sygnatura |
Advances in human performance and cognitive engineering research. Automation. Amsterdam:Elsevier Science, 2002 |
25746 |
Aging and work. London: Taylor and Francis, 2003 |
25744 |
Case studies in safety productivity. Itasca: National Safety Council, 2000 |
25722 |
Essentials of health and safety at work. London: Health and Safety Executive, 2000 |
m-13482 |
European statistics on accidents at work: Methodolog. Luxembourg:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Eurostat, 1999 |
M-13481 |
Eurostat working papers. Population and social conditions 3/2000/E/n19./ Luxembourg: European Commision, Eurostat, 2000 |
M-13480 |
Freeman W.J.: How brains make up their minds. London: Phoenix, 1999 |
25725 |
Manuele F.A.: Innovations in safety management: Addresing Career Knowledge Needs. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2001 |
25721 |
Proceedings of China International Forum on Work Safety. Beijing: ChinaInternational Forum on Work Safety, 2002 |
M-13483 |
Protecting emergency responders: Lessons learned from terrorist attacks. Santa Monica:RAND, 2002 |
M-13505 |
Rechtin E.: Systems architecting of organizations. Why eagles can't swim. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2000 |
25720 |
Regulating health and safety management in the European Union.A study of the dynamics of change. Bruxelles: P.I.E.Peter Lang, 2002 |
25723 25724 |
Root Cause Analysis handbook. A guide to effective incident investgation. Rockville: EQE International, 1999 |
25726 |
Safety management: The challenge of change. Oxford: Pergamon, 1998 |
25745 |
 Grudzień 2002
Autor, tytuł | Sygnatura |
Advances in humanperformance and cognitive engineering research. Vol.1 Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 2001 |
25827 |
Advances in human performance and cognitive engineering research. Automation. Vol.2 Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 2002 |
25746 |
Pawliszyn J.: Solid phase microextraction. Theory and practice. Waterloo: Wiley-VCH, 1997 |
25829 |
Recognitionschemes in occupational safety and health. Luxembourg: European Communities, 2002 |
M-13504 |
Safety management: The challenge of change. Oxford: Pergamon, 1998 |
25745 |
Solid phase microextraction: A practical guide. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1999 |
25828 |
Yearbook of labour statistics 2002 Geneva: ILO, 2002 |
M-13534 |
