- The framework of European system of protection of workers against electromagnetic safety and health hazards as well as Directive 2013/35/UE requirements
Jolanta Karpowicz, Janusz Gałęziak, p. 2-4
- The role of out-of-band sensitivity of measurement devices in the assessment of exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields near high voltage power lines
Krzysztof Gryz, Jolanta Karpowicz, p. 6-11
- Possibilities of return to work in electromagnetic fields after cardiac pacemaker implantation
Maria Tiikkaja, Maila Hietanen, Tommi Alanko, Harri Lindholm, p. 12-14
- Electromagnetic field in the vicinity of radiocommunication systems working in E-Band (60-90GHz)
Paweł Bieńkowski, Paweł Cała, Bartłomiej Zubrzak, p. 13-15
- The prevention and health care requirements for the military personnel employed at the electromagnetic radiation exposure area in the light of the newest legal framework of the Ministry of Defense
Elżbieta Sobiczewska, Wanda Stankiewicz, Jarosław Kieliszek, p. 15-18
- Assessment of the level intensity of of the electric field from devices operating in the radio frequency range and their impact on the work environment
Halina Aniołczyk, Magda Mariańska, p. 19-21
- An assessment of palm current in exposed workers and electromagnetic fields near physiotherapeutic short-wave diathermies
Krzysztof Gryz, Jolanta Karpowicz, p. 24-28
- Occupational exposure to pulsed electromagnetic fields generated by military equipment
Jarosław Kieliszek, Paweł Sobiech, Wanda Stankiewicz, p. 32-35
- The prevention of electromagnetic accidents in the medical centers involve in the medical diagnostic with the use of magnetic resonance technique
Jolanta Karpowicz, Krzysztof Gryz, p. 40-46
- Exposition towards electromagnetic fields and its impact on cardiovascular system –
Alicja Bortkiewicz, Elżbieta Gadzicka, Wiesław Szymczak, Marek Zmyślony, p. 47-49
- Criteria for assessment of the hazard caused by electrification personal protective equipment in range of requirements of normative documents
Jan Maria Kowalski, Małgorzata Wróblewska, Anna Mazik, p. 50-53
The framework of European system of protection of workers against electromagnetic safety and health hazards as well as Directive 2013/35/UE requirements Jolanta Karpowicz, Janusz Gałęziak
The role of out-of-band sensitivity of measurement devices in the assessment of exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields near high voltage power lines Krzysztof Gryz, Jolanta Karpowicz
The following article presents results of laboratory studies of out-of-band sensitivity of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation measurement devices, of measurement ranges from the 1 kHz – 38 GHz range, to the influence of sinusoidal time varying electric field of power frequency 50 Hz and strength 5 – 30 kV/m. Results of studies were analyzed in the context of requirements on the workers and general public protection against the influence of the electromagnetic fields and the characteristic of environmental complex fields, which may exist in the vicinity of high voltage electric power lines. It was found, that in the vicinity of high voltage electric power lines, the influence of 50 Hz electric fields on the radiofrequency electromagnetic field measurement devices may caused unjustified identification of radiofrequency electric and magnetic fields of the strength exceeding general public exposure limits. Near high voltage power lines, and in other place highly exposed to power frequency electric field, it is required to use only radiofrequency measurement devices of known response to 50 Hz electric field and to consider its influence on the measurement results based on the level of 50 Hz electric field in particular location.
Possibilities of return to work in electromagnetic fields after cardiac pacemaker implantation Maria Tiikkaja, Maila Hietanen, Tommi Alanko, Harri Lindholm
Electromagnetic field in the vicinity of radiocommunication systems working in E-Band (60-90GHz) Paweł Bieńkowski, Paweł Cała, Bartłomiej Zubrzak
This paper presents selected aspects related to the needs and possibilities of measuring the electromagnetic field (EMF) in the upper part of the microwave spectrum (60–90 GHz). Technological progress and constant searching for greater throughput wireless transmission in microwaves necessitate using higher frequencies like 71-76 GHz or 81-86 GHz (called E-band) in point-to-point systems. The market already has providers offering E-band systems, which also raise the need to assess exposure relevant to occupational safety and health, and environment protection. At the same time, there are no EMF meters working in the E-band. In this paper, we present an overview of common radiocommunication systems, antennas, and methods of analysing EMF in their vicinity. We also present results of research on generating standard EMF in the E-band frequency range and on analysing metrological parameters of popular EMF meters for measuring frequencies above the nominal band declared by the manufacturer.
The prevention and health care requirements for the military personnel employed at the electromagnetic radiation exposure area in the light of the newest legal framework of the Ministry of Defense Elżbieta Sobiczewska, Wanda Stankiewicz, Jarosław Kieliszek
The electromagnetic field ( the electromagnetic radiation) is one of the most essential factors, which exist at the workplace at the organizational units of the Ministry of National Defence. The specificity of work of the military personnel, within the electromagnetic radiation range, often impedes an application of the civil National Safety and Health at Work regulations. For the complete protection of health of the military personnel and assurance of work safety in the Department of Microwave Safety, at the Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology was formulated the proposal of standard: “Occupational safety and health. Protection against electromagnetic radiation. Prophylaxis and health protection of personnel working at the range 0 Hz to 300 GHz of electromagnetic radiation”. The article presents specified in the standard the prevention and health care requirements for the military personnel, who is employed at the electromagnetic radiation exposure area, estimation of risk of the electromagnetic radiation exposure by a relative scale for the prevention and health purposes and the code of actions after accidents which may occur in the electromagnetic field area.
Assessment of the level intensity of of the electric field from devices operating in the radio frequency range and their impact on the work environment Halina Aniołczyk, Magda Mariańska
Results of studies and measurements of the electromagnetic field (EMF) produced by the most common devices operating in the frequency range 0.3 - 3000 MHz were analysed to determine the level of intensity of the electrical component in over 140 facilities in general and at individual workstations in particular. The limits of the protective zones and the extent to which the maximum admissible intensity (MAI) values had been exceeded were also analysed. It has been shown that there are numerous devices, the use of which requires employers to take effective measures to lower the levels of exposure to EMF. These devices include electrosurgical units (electric field intensity up to 1000 V/m at the unit, which is 1.3 higher than the MAI value at the operator’s workstation), short- and microwave diathermy units (electric field intensity up to 1000 V/m, MAI value exceeded 11 times ) and high-frequency dielectric welding (electric field intensity up to 850 V/m, MAI value exceeded 12 times). The authors have stressed that there are numerous devices not included in the sanitary inspection register, used primarily in small businesses. Another important issue is that the exposure of workers performing third-party-contracted repair and maintenance work at locations affected by EMF are not included in any system of EMF monitoring. Considering the recent start of work on adapting the EMF Directive to national regulations, the results of this analysis can be used in practice.
An assessment of palm current in exposed workers and electromagnetic fields near physiotherapeutic short-wave diathermies Krzysztof Gryz, Jolanta Karpowicz
This paper presents electromagnetic hazards while operating physiotherapeutic short-wave diathermies. Results of investigations of 14 diathermies with inductive applicators and 14 diathermies with capacitive applicators of various types show that during typical treatment electric and magnetic fields of the level exceeding workers'''' permissible exposure can reach the distance: for an electric field (E>200 V/m) up to 60 cm (median 45 cm) and for magnetic fields (H>3 A/m) up to 25 cm (median 20 cm) from applicators and their supplying cables. Touching active capacitive applicators and their supplying cables causes in the upper limbs a flow of electric current exceeding the limit level of 40 mA (touching cables supplying capacitive applicators: maximum 780 mA; median 305 mA; minimum 113 mA). The results indicate that following both the assessment of unperturbed electromagnetic fields near the applicators (according to the occupational safety and health legislation currently in force) and assessment of risk caused by currents in the body of exposed workers (according to new European Directive 2013/35/EU), it is necessary to prohibit approaching active applicators and touching them. This assessment of electromagnetic hazards does not concern patients who are under treatment by short-wave diathermy.
Occupational exposure to pulsed electromagnetic fields generated by military equipment Jarosław Kieliszek, Paweł Sobiech, Wanda Stankiewicz
Operating military technology is highly related to necessary exposure to electromagnetic fields, whose values are specified in national regulations on protection zones of occupational safety and health. Values of strength of electromagnetic fields in locations of people operating such devices often exceed values near devices in other areas of the economy. Polish standards only partially take into account the specificity of military equipment. The direct use of such devices in many cases leads to an underestimation of exposure to electromagnetic fields in the near field of radar antennas. This paper presents an analysis of the strength of electromagnetic fields near devices generating strong pulse modulated fields. Based on the measurement results, exposure of personnel operating devices at fixed and variable workstations was analysed. The evaluation indicates workstations and areas around military equipment that should be especially protected due to an increased exposure of personnel.
The prevention of electromagnetic accidents in the medical centers involve in the medical diagnostic with the use of magnetic resonance technique Jolanta Karpowicz, Krzysztof Gryz
The paper presents the review of the most serious and the most common accidents caused by electromagnetic interaction, which occur in the medical centers of magnetic resonance diagnostic because of interaction on the objects and humans, attracted by the static magnetic field which is permanently emitted by the magnet of scanner. They include ballistic hazards (caused by ferromagnetic objects attracting to the magnet), electronic devices malfunctions (including medical implants), sensations caused by electric currents induced in the body because of movements in the static magnetic field. The health hazards related to long-term occupational exposure to static magnetic field is also not excluded.
Exposition towards electromagnetic fields and its impact on cardiovascular system – Alicja Bortkiewicz, Elżbieta Gadzicka, Wiesław Szymczak, Marek Zmyślony
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) on the cardiovascular system. The main problem was to find out to what extent the EMF frequency and exposure level have influence on the type of abnormality recorded. The examinations covered all 5 workers groups (287 men aged 21-69 years) employed at selected power substations (50 Hz), radio service stations (150 - 170 MHz), radio and TV multichannel broadcasting stations (VHF 30-300 MHz and UHF 0.3-3 GHz), AM Broadcast Stations (738 -1503 kHz) and Radio Link Stations (no EMF exposure but characteristic of employment similar to exposed groups). The workers had the following performed: general medical examination, an interview including cardiological and family history, 24-h ECG monitoring, ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) monitoring, and heart rate variability (HRV) analysis. In all cases, the exposure levels were considerably lower than hygienic standards for EMF in Poland. Significant cardiac abnormalities, correlated with the parameters characterizing the exposition were discovered, thanks to the long-term research which would not take the prevention data into account.
Criteria for assessment of the hazard caused by electrification personal protective equipment in range of requirements of normative documents Jan Maria Kowalski, Małgorzata Wróblewska, Anna Mazik
The conditions of safe usage of personal protective equipment in terms of the hazards posed by the occurrence of the static electricity in the workplace were discussed.
The criteria enabling for forecasting, identification and assessment of emerging risks, with emphasis on the methods for assessing the level of fire and /or explosion hazard, according to the requirements of EU Directives ATEX and other normative documents were quoted.
The rules of qualitative classification and usage qualification of the personal protective equipment by staff requirements in terms of protection against static electricity were drawn.