Department of Chemical and Aerosol Hazards - Our projects
Project number: 5.R.03
Author name: Agnieszka Gajek
Title: Developing a system for managing safety in non-Seveso establishments
Key words: safety management system, enterprise, major industrial accident
The aim of the task was to develop a safety management system for non-Seveso establishments, considering the kind and range of procedures appropriate for the risk and hazard.
The task presents and discusses current principles of categorizing establishments as non-Seveso used by the Inspectorate for Environmental Protection and the Polish Fire Brigade.
Suggestions and justification of using quantitative criteria for classifying establishments as non-Seveso were developed.
Databases were analysed and non-Seveso establishments were identified. Various dangerous substances were present in the establishments. In total, there were 3009. The task was extended to include elements supporting inspections of the State Labour Inspection in the non-Seveso establishments that are listed by the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection and the National Headquarters of the State Fire Service. In total, 227 installation were inspected; in those installations there was a potentially high risk of an industrial accident because an accidental release of dangerous chemical substances into the working environment was possible.
A computer simulation was used to make several predictions of the effects of the release of selected chemical substances. Those were computer predictions of the toxic and caustic effects on people and the predictions of the effects for explosive scenarios.
Suggestions for a programme and procedures for managing safety in non-Seveso establishments were also developed.
Project number: 4.S.13
Author name: Anna Kowalska
Title: Developing procedures for chemical and biological control of air quality and for assessing occupational risk in small catering enterprises
Key words: chemical and biological agents, occupational risk assessment, catering enterprises
The task consisted in gathering information on the knowledge of the staff of small catering enterprises on the chemical and biological agents at their workplace. A questionnaire survey that had been developed was used. Tests were conducted to identify those agents in workplace air in selected enterprises. It turned out knowledge was insufficient.
Chemical and biological agents were measured in workplace air at the workstation of a cook in seven enterprises. Occupational risk at those workstations was assessed.
2 The results of quantitative measurements of chemical substances in workplace air at the workstation of a cook in all the studied catering enterprises showed the presence of a multicomponent mixture of chemical substances that contained n-hexane, n-heptane, benzene, toluene, xylenes, ethylbenzene and methylcyclohexane. Carcinogenic substances - benzene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - were found in workplace air in all the catering enterprises.
3 Measurements of biological agents in workplace air in the catering enterprises that were studied showed the presence of 17 species of bacteria that belonged to 9 genera and 13 species of fungi that belonged to 7 genera.
A booklet was written on the basis of the measurements of chemical and biological agents in workplace air and current regulations. It contains recommendations on assessing and reducing occupational risk in small catering enterprises and a checklist for analysing occupational risk related to exposure to dangerous chemical substances and harmful biological agents.
The measurement results can be used in activities aimed at improving working conditions in small catering enterprises.
Project number: 2.R.04
Author name: Lidia Zapór
Title: A study of the toxic potential of dusts with carcinogenic metals on in vitro cellular models
Key words: toxicology, carcinogenic metals, in vitro tests
The aim of the project was to study the toxic potential of dusts with carcinogenic metals depending on their chemical composition and concentration and the combined exposure to various physicochemical forms of compounds.
As part of the project, the following were assessed:
- the cytotoxic effect of individual compounds of nickel and cadmium at short (24-h) and extended (72-h) exposure of cells;
- the cytotoxic effect of two-component mixtures of selected compounds of nickel and cadmium at 24-h and 72-h exposure of cells;
- bioavailability of selected compounds of nickel;
- the total oxidation potential in cells exposed to the studied compounds of nickel and cadmium.
The cytotoxic effect of the following compounds of nickel and cadmium was assessed: nickel oxide nanoparticles, micro size nickel oxide, metallic nickel nanoparticles, nickel chloride, nickel subsulfide, cadmium oxide, cadmium chloride, cadmium sufide.
The cytotoxic effect of the tested compounds depended on the dose; there were statistically significant differences in the cytotoxic effect of the tested compounds.
The obtained results can be used in health and occupational risk assessment of workers expose to nickel and nickel oxide dusts and mixtures of nickel and cadmium.
Project number: 4.S.14
Author name: Małgorzata Gołofit-Szymczak
Title: Assessing cleaners' exposure to biological and chemical hazards and developing procedures for estimating occupational risk related to the presence of those factors in individual workstations
Key words: exposure assessment, biological and chemical factors, occupational risk, cleaner
The task consisted in administering questionnaires and establishing on their basis that workers did not know much about biological and chemical hazards. Harmful biological factors and chemical substances were measured at workstations of 7 cleaning companies in 5 groups of establishments (office buildings, schools, health care institutions, a furniture shop and the machine industry).
Mean values of bioaerosol concentrations at the workstations were lower than the recommended reference values for concentrations of bacteria and fungi in residential and public areas, which had been developed by the Expert Group for Biological Agents of the Interdepartmental Commission for Maximum Admissible Concentrations and Intensities for Agents Harmful to Health in the Working Environment.
The results of measuring chemical factors showed that the process of cleaning could be a source of trace quantities of organic compounds, including toxic carbonyl compounds.
Exposure to chemical factors at the workplace of cleaning personnel was assessed on the basis of the obtained measurement results. The combined exposure indexes in most cases did not exceed 0.1 of the admissible values. However, because Maximal Admissible Concentrations have not been established for other chemical factors present in the air that was tested, the assessment is incomplete.
Checklists for both groups of harmful factors were developed on the basis of the obtained results. Procedures for assessing and limiting occupational risk have also been developed.
The development of procedures for estimating occupational risk related to the presence of biological and chemical factors will help in improving cleaners' working conditions.
Project number: 4.S.28
Author name: Małgorzata Szewczyńska
Title: Developing a system for controlling chemical, biological, biomechanical and noise hazards and assessing occupational risk in hair/beauty salons
Key words: chemical hazards , biological hazards , biomechanical hazards , noise, occupational risk assessment, hair/beauty salons
The task consisted in developing and administering a questionnaire among the staff of hair/beauty salons: hair stylists (including owners of salons) and beauticians. On the basis of an analysis of their workstations, their activities and the products they used, harmful and strenuous factors were identified in a hair salons and in hair/beauty salons. The results of the questionnaires were put into diagrams and histograms to illustrate the percentage of responses to individual questions.
To assess occupational risk at a hair stylistʼs workstation, chemical factors, harmful biological factors and noise were measured; biomechanical hazards were assessed, too. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), aldehydes and ketones, ethyl acetate, isobutyl acetate and isopropyl alcohol were measured at the beauticianʼs workstations. The results of noise measurements indicate that the sound exposure level ranges from 63 dB at the workstation of a manicurist/beautician to 75 dB at the workstation of a hair stylist. Like at the workstation of a person washing hair, workers at the workstation of a manicurist/beautician are exposed to 63-71 dB related to weekly work hours. Mean sound level at individual workstations is more affected by noise from other workstations (mostly hair stylistsʼ) than by noise at that particular workstation. Risk related to static load of the whole body in the case of the work of a hair stylist was assessed as low; however, in the case of a manicurist/beautician it was medium. Risk related to upper limb load resulting from repetitive task was low in all cases.
Next, occupational risk was assessed at beauticiansʼ workstations. To assess exposure to chemical factors, the following were measured: volatile organic compounds (VOCs), aldehydes and ketones, acetone, ethyl acetate and isopropyl alcohol.
The results of measurements and assessment of occupational risk posed by chemical, biological, biomechanical and noise hazards was assessed as low at all the workstations that had been studied. A checklist was developed as were recommendations for assessing and reducing occupational risk related to the abovementioned hazards in selected hair/beauty salons.
The results of the study can be used in increasing occupational safety.
Project number: 2.R.20
Author name: Wojciech Zatorski
Title: Development of new plastics with reduced flammability and reduced emission of toxic smokes during combustion to be used in mining excavations
Key words: plastics, mining excavations, occupational safety, reduced flammability, smokes toxicity
The aim of the project was to develop new systems of plastic materials with reduced flammability and emission of toxic smokes during combustion or pyrolysis in elevated temperatures to be used in mining excavations. Plastics used in practice in mining excavations were selected for the study; foam plastics were focused on as they are more flammable. Self-extinguishing and surface flammability was determined. A cone calorimeter was used to test the behaviour of plastics in fire. On the basis of a full characteristic of combustion of selected plastics the degree of flammability of polymers was assessed with the oxygen index of surface flammability and a cone calorimeter with the use of selected compounds (fire retardants) that reduce flammability. Classic halogen free fire retardants and nanoparticles were used in the synthesis of the selected plastics.
After all the results of the flammability tests had been analysed, which included determining the amount of emitted smokes, five compositions were identified: they have the best fire safety parameters. A study of implementation of the technology was prepared, too.
The results of the study can be used in improving occupational safety.
Project number: 2.R19
Author name: Tomasz Jankowski
Title: Investigating the process of filtration of liquid aerosols emitted in machining using oil coolants
Key words: machining, nonwoven, filtration efficiency, oil mist, aerosols
The aim of the project was to investigate the process of filtration from the point of view of protecting workers against harmful aerosol particles with the use of multilayer filtration systems in machining processes using oil coolants.
Commercial nonwoven made from spun-lace polyester fibres (A, B, C) and from melt-blown polypropylene fibres were used in the study.
Parameters that had been determined were used in assessing risk of workers working in condition where multilayer filtration systems were used in machining processes. Risk during machining using oil coolants was assessed in the context of oil mist that is produced as a result of dynamic and thermal processes and the relationship between the dynamic changes in pressure drop and the efficiency of aerosol filtration and:
- structural parameters of multilayer filtration systems,
- process parameters of machining,
- parameters of physicochemical aerosols.
An analysis of the results was the basis for developing block diagrams of procedures and computer algorithms assisting in determining optimal filtration parameters of multilayer filtration systems in local exhaust ventilation during machining using oil coolants.
The results of the study can be used in improving working conditions.
Project number: 4.S.15
Author name: Małgorzata Pośniak
Title: Identifying and assessing exposure to chemical agents in enterprises of the textile and clothing industry and developing guidelines for assessing and reducing occupational risk
Key words: assessment of exposure, chemical agents, textile and clothing industry, occupational risk
The task consisted in carrying out measurements of chemical agents and dusts, on the basis of which occupational exposure of workers in seven textile and clothing enterprises was assessed. Concentrations of the following substances were determined at the workstations of operators of whitening equipment in a textile enterprise: sodium hydroxide, hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid and air-borne organic dusts of plant origin. Those concentrations were low, as a rule at the level of tenths of the values of maximal admissible concentrations.
Occupational risk related to dangerous substances and chemicals was assessed at all 36 workstations that were studied; inhalation and dermal exposure were considered. The obtained results of assessing occupational exposure at the workstations for whitening textiles, printing textiles, preparing templates, and in the process of manufacturing clothes were used in quantitative occupational risk assessment.
The assessment of occupational risk related to using chemicals conducted at 15 workstations at enterprises that manufacture textiles showed that at 10 workstations risk was unacceptable because of inhalation exposure and at one because of dermal exposure.
Organic dusts of plant origin and formaldehyde are the main factors that can pose risk to the health of workers in textile enterprises, especially to women. Assessment of occupational risk related to those factors showed that risk was low at 21 of the assessed workstations.
Guidelines for assessing and reducing occupational risk in textile and clothing enterprises were developed, as was a check lists for identifying hazards posed by dangerous, harmful and strenuous factors for employers in small enterprises of this sector.
Project number: 1.S.04
Author name: Ewa Gawęda
Title: Development of updated methods of determining 12 harmful chemical substances at the workstation.
Key words: harmful chemical substances, determination method, workstation
During the task methods of determining 12 harmful chemical substances were updated; those methods are the bases of Polish draft standards. The scope of the experimental studies resulted from the PN-EN 482:2009 standard "Workplace atmospheres - General requirements for the performance of procedures for the measurement of chemical agents" with stress put on those elements of individual methods that required updating.
The developed methods made it possible to determine each substance at least from 1/10 of the value of the maximal admissible concentration. Moreover, they are suitable for measuring their concentrations at workstations in accordance with the principles of individual dosimetry. This ensures the most objective assessment of occupational risk related to that substance.
The developed methods are suitable for measuring the concentrations of 12 substances at workstations in accordance with the principles of individual dosimetry. This ensures the most objective assessment of occupational risk related to that substance.
Project number: 1.S.02
Author name: Anna Jeżewska
Title: Development of new methods of determining 12 harmful chemical substances in workplace atmospheres on the Polish list of maximal admissible concentrations
Key words: harmful chemical substances, determination method, maximal admissible concentrations, working environment
During the task new methods of determining 12 harmful chemical substances in workplace air on the Polish list of maximal admissible concentrations were developed. Analytical methods were developed, which make it possible to determine concentrations of all the selected substances in the air, in the range of 1/10 to 2 of values of maximal admissible concentrations, in accordance with the PN-EN 482:2009 standard "Workplace atmospheres - General requirements for the performance of procedures for the measurement of chemical agents"
The analytical methods that have been developed provide laboratories that test and measure chemical substances harmful to health that are present in the working environment with analytical procedures for determining them. Thanks to them it is possible to conduct occupational risk assessment.
Project number: 2.R.04
Author name: Lidia Zapór
Title: A study of the toxic potential of dusts with carcinogenic metals on in vitro cellular models
Key words: toxicology, carcinogenic metals, in vitro tests
The aim of the project was to study the toxic potential of dusts with carcinogenic metals depending on their chemical composition and concentration and the combined exposure to various physicochemical forms of compounds.
As part of the project, the following were assessed:
- the cytotoxic effect of individual compounds of nickel and cadmium at short (24-h) and extended (72-h) exposure of cells;
- the cytotoxic effect of two-component mixtures of selected compounds of nickel and cadmium at 24-h and 72-h exposure of cells;
- bioavailability of selected compounds of nickel;
- the total oxidation potential in cells exposed to the studied compounds of nickel and cadmium.
The cytotoxic effect of the following compounds of nickel and cadmium was assessed: nickel oxide nanoparticles, micro size nickel oxide, metallic nickel nanoparticles, nickel chloride, nickel subsulfide, cadmium oxide, cadmium chloride, cadmium sufide.
The cytotoxic effect of the tested compounds depended on the dose; there were statistically significant differences in the cytotoxic effect of the tested compounds.
The obtained results can be used in health and occupational risk assessment of workers expose to nickel and nickel oxide dusts and mixtures of nickel and cadmium.
Project number: 2.R.05
Author name: Katarzyna Miranowicz-Dzierzawska
Title: In vivo and in vitro studies of the combined toxic effect of selected organic solvents
Key words: in vivo studies, in vitro studies, toxic effect, organic solvents
The aim of the project was to assess the combined effect of selected organic solvents in vivo and in vitro.
Within the project, the following were assessed:
- in vivo, the effect of ethanol or toluene on the hemolytic effect of methoxyethanol (ME), ethoxyethanol (EE) and, additionally, butoeyethanole (BE) in repeated exposure of animals;
- in vitro, the cytotoxic effect of methoxyethanol metabolites (methoxyacetic acid, MAA) or ethoxyethanol (ethoxyacetic acid, EAA) with ethanol or toluene (or their metabolites) on two cell lines of Chinese hamster ovary fibroblasts (CH)-9) and human non-small cell lung cancer. (A549).
On the basis of the tests it was determined that the protective effect of ethanol and toluene on the hematological parameters in animals in repetitive exposure to ethylene glycol ethers (EGAEs) can result from a greater affinity of enzymes that metabolize them to ethanol or toluene than to the studied ethers.
The results of the studies point to the protection effect of ethanol and toluene in those compounds, including EGAEs; that is why in the industry and in households solvents that are mixtures of ethylene glycol ethers with ethanol and toluene as substances should be recommended
Project number: 2.R.03
Author name: Elżbieta Jankowska
Title: A study of the concentration and particle size distribution of dusts emitted in high-temperature processes
Key words: dusts, high-temperature processes, occupational exposure
The aim of the project was to develop guidelines regarding occupational risk assessment for dusts emitted in high-temperature processes.
A test method was developed as part of the project; the concentration and particle size distribution of dusts emitted in such high-temperature processes as combustion of Diesel fuel in Diesel engines and welding were tested. The results of those tests are discussed.
Guidelines for occupational risk assessment for dusts emitted in high-temperature processes were developed on the basis of the test results. They list the principles of comprehensive assessment and optic methods of measuring the concentration and particle size distribution. Test methods are discussed in detail, they can be used for determining both the parameters of ultrafine particles from high-temperature processes and nanoparticles emitted in nanotechnological processes.
Guidelines were developed for occupational risk assessment for dusts emitted in high-temperature processes.
Project number: 1.S.01
Author name: Jolanta Skowroń
Title: The activity of the Interdepartmental Commission for Maximum Admissible Concentrations and Intensities for Agents Harmful to Health in the Working Environment
Key words: Interdepartmental Commission for Maximum Admissible Concentrations and Intensities for Agents Harmful to Health in the Working Environment
The general aim of the task consisted in adapting national law to the resolutions of EC directives on the protection of workers against occupational risk related to exposure to chemical, physical and biological agents.
While the task was carried out, nine meetings of the Interdepartmental Commission for Maximum Admissible Concentrations and Intensities for Agents Harmful to Health in the Working Environment took place and 10 motions were accepted to be presented to the relevant minister regarding changes in the list of MACs and MAIs of harmful to health agents in the working environment; other activities took place, too. Following motions, the resolutions of directives 2006/25/EC and 2009/161/EU were implemented into national law in the resolutions of the minister of labour and social policy on MACs and MAIs of agents harmful to health in the working environment.
This task will make it possible to extend the list compared to the resolution of 2002 by 10 chemical substances, to verify current values for 12 chemical substances and to introduce changes in annex no. 2, part C "Microclimate, item 2 "Cold microclimate".
Criteria for assessing exposure of workers at workstations were tightened for 20 chemical substances, whereas for three the MAC values were correlated with the values established for the EU. An obligation to monitor concentrations at workstations and risk assessment were introduced for 21 values.
Twelve issues of the "Principles and Methods of Assessing the Working Environment", a quarterly of the Commission, were published.
Project number: 5.R.05
Author name: Jerzy Michalik
Title: Development of a programme for managing risk related to road transport of dangerous chemicals
Key words: programme for managing risk, road transport, chemicals, transport of dangerous chemicals
The project consisted in a detailed analysis and assessment of the requirements listed in international (UN, ADR, EU) and national regulations regarding road transport of dangerous cargo. Because of the special character of the hazard, the principles of road transport used by the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland in Poland have been discussed.
Data on the structure of road transport of dangerous cargo have been considered in the assessment of hazard posed by occurrences with the attributes of a major accident in road transport of that cargo with the use of effects - predicted with computer simulations - of collisions and road catastrophes involving vehicles transporting dangerous chemicals.
Another kind of hazard related to transporting dangerous cargo has also been discussed. Experience of other parts of the world shows that vehicles transporting such cargo can be used as tools in terrorist attacks. The effects of scenarios of such events have been analysed; the result of computer simulations of the effects of such events have been presented.
It has been shown that in Poland occurrences with the attributes of major accidents in road transport of dangerous chemicals are caused by lack of or incomplete adherence to the traffic code.
The analyses that were conducted showed that the Polish system of training people involved in transporting dangerous cargo is at a high level and covers everybody who should be trained. Moreover it is sufficient both in the content and scope of training and in its methods.
Taking into consideration the conclusions drawn from the analyses that had been conducted, a thesis was formulated to the effect that in principle the only practically still possible and probably effective factor improving the safety of road transport of dangerous cargo can be proper selection of the carrier of the routes, optimal from the point of view of minimizing the risk of major accident hazards in transporting chemicals.