Laboratory of Active Methods of Noise Reduction - About the Laboratory
 Main areas of activity of the Laboratory of Active Methods of Noise Reduction NA 3:

- Research and development work over the active methods of noise reduction:
- Development of algorithms for the digital processing of signals for use in active methods of noise reduction,
- Development of algorithms for the digital processing of signals for use in active methods of noise reduction,
- Tests of digital algorithms for processing signals in terms of their use in systems of active noise reduction,
- Development of systems using active methods to reduce noise in the working environment,
- Testing of systems of active noise reduction.
The Laboratory of Active Methods of Noise reduction NA 3 undertakes work related to the widely understood use of active noise reduction methods. Its activities include the improvement of methods and expansion of the possibilities of using active systems. The Laboratory has developed a model of Active Protection of Hearing with the use of an analogue active system. Work is currently under way on the implementation of internal communications in APH. The Laboratory has also designed a Universal System of Active Noise Reduction based on digital adaptive LMS, NLMS and FXLMS algorithms. The system has been applied to such applications as noise reduction in wave-guides. Work is also being undertaken on the use of the Universal Active Noise Reduction System to reduce noise from transformers.
Laboratory Manager
Leszek Morzyński Ph.D. (Eng.)
phone: (+48 22) 623 32 97, fax: (+48 22) 623 46 54
e-mail: lmorzyns@ciop.pl