Mechanical Vibration Laboratory - About the Laboratory
 Profile of the laboratory’s activities:

 |  | The mechanical Vibration Laboratory, NA2, is engaged in the recognition, analysis and evaluation of hazards by way of mechanical vibrations present in the working environment. The framework of work undertaken includes methods of measuring and evaluating mechanical vibrations, as well as standardisation work on draft standards (including work within the working parties of the European Standardisation Committee, CEN / TC 231 Vibrations. Damping materials and anti-vibration gloves, as well as work within the framework of the Standardisation Problem Commission no. 157 on Physical Hazards in the Work Environment).
Furthermore, the laboratory undertakes tests on equipment that protects against the reaction of mechanical vibration, including the testing of the properties of gloves designated to protect against the actions of local vibrations. Extensive educational activities are also operated within the framework of the CIOP’s Education Centre (courses, training, postgraduate studies, consultations to OSH services, employers and employees, etc.).

Laboratory Manager
Piotr Kowalski Ph.D. (Eng.)
phone: (+48 22) 623 32 53, fax: (+48 22) 623 46 54
e-mail: pikow@ciop.pl