
The Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute has been organising the occupational safety poster competition since 1997. The purpose of the competition is to obtain posters promoting the issues of occupational safety and health protection of man in the working environment.
The competition is organised in cooperation with Academies of Fine Arts (Cracow, Warsaw, Lodz) and under the patronage of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy and Chief Labour Inspector. The participants are artists, professors and students of artistic universities in Poland and abroad. The jury of the competition consists of representatives of artistic professions, science, ministries of health and labour, and trade unions, as well as enterprises whose business is related to the topic of the posters.
Three prizes and five honorary mentions are awarded in the competition, and 50 posters are selected for exhibitions in Warsaw and Cracow.
The 21 editions of the competition, held in 1997-2011 were entitled Stress, Computer, Occupational Risk, Noise, Chemistry, Ergonomics, Agriculture, Building industry, School, Transport, Electricity, Disabled persons, Biohazards, Stop that Noise, Young workers - safe start, Lighten the load, Labour culture, Risk, Lighting, Maintenance, and Active 50+. They gathered about 4 000 designs, and over 900 were featured in exhibitions and catalogues.
In 2008 the Institute issued PLAKATY/POSTERS - a catalogue of posters devoted to the issues of occupational safety and health protection of man in the working environment, containing 925 pictures of posters from the Institute’s collection, including archived posters – 49 from the pre-war period, 73 from post-war years, and 803 posters from 16 editions of the contest. The catalogue was awarded a honorary mention in the 49th competition „Beautiful Books 2008”.
For all information related to the contest, please contact the curator.
Marta Derlicka
Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute
Czerniakowska 16, 00-701 Warsaw
e-mail: mader@ciop.pl
 XXII edition - STRESS IN 21st CENTURY
Minister Pracy i Polityki Społecznej

Główny Inspektor Pracy

The Organizers:
CIOP-PIB in cooperation with Akademia Sztuk Pięknych in Krakowie, Akademia Sztuk Pięknych in Łodzi and Akademia Sztuk Pięknych in Warsaw.
Sponsor of the XXII edition of the competition:
Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.

 XXI edition ACTIVE 50+ (finished in 2012) - list od the winners:
- Adrian Adam Ambrożewicz, I prize
- Aleksander Bąk, I prize
- Kamil Banach and Agnieszka Popek-Banach, III prize
- Joanna Frydrychowicz, Krzysztof Skrzypczyk, honorary mention
- Mariusz Grabowski, honorary mention
- Agnieszka Placek, honorary mention
- Patrycja Podkościelny, honorary mention
- Eugeniusz Skorwider, honorary mention
 I prize I prize III prize
Joanna Frydrychowicz, Mariusz Grabowski
Krzysztof Skrzypczyk
Mariusz Grabowski Mariusz Grabowski
 Agnieszka Placek Patrycja Podkościelny Eugeniusz Skorwider
 XX edition MAINTENANCE (finished in 2011) - list of the winners:
- Marta Semaniszyn, I prize
- Kama Jackowska, II prize
- Maciej Mytnik, III prize
- Maciej Mytnik, honorary mention
I prize - Marta Semaniszyn
 II prize III prize
- Kama Jackowska - Maciej Mytnik
- Maciej Mytnik

 XIX edition LIGHTNING (finished in 2009) - list of the winners:
- Zofia Rogula - I prize
- Dorota Wątkowska - II prize
- Maciej Mytnik - III prize
- Jacek Bieńkowski, honorary mention
- Andrzej Lipień, honorary mention
- Grzegorz Matusik, honorary mention
- Maciej Mytnik, honorary mention
- Paweł Ryżko, honorary mention
 I prize
 II prize III prize
 Jacek Bieńkowski Andrzej Lipień
 Grzegorz Matusik
 Maciej Mytnik Paweł Ryżko
 XVIII edition RISK (hinished in 2009) - list of the winners:
- Max Skorwider, I prize
- Maciej Mytnik, II and III prize
- Marcin Błaszczyk, honorary mention
- Eugen Finkei, honorary mention
- Mariusz Grabowski, honorary mention
- Grzegorz Hańderek, honorary mention
- Dorota Wątkowska, honorary mention.
REWARDED POSTERS: |  I prize Max Skorwider |  II prize Maciej Mytnik |  III prize Maciej Mytnik |
HONORARY MENTIONS: |  Grzegorz Hańderek |  Marcin Błaszczyk |  Mariusz Grabowski |  Dorota Wętkowska |  Eugen Finkel |  Eugen Finkel |  Eugen Finkel |
- Eugeniusz Skorwider, I prize
- Mirosław Szczudlik, II prize
- Maciej Mytnik, III prize
- Sebastian Mrozek, honorary mention
- Maciej Mytnik, honorary mention
- Paulina Piorun, honorary mention
- Barbora Rozložniková, honorary mention
- Eugeniusz Skorwider, honorary mention
It gives me great pleasure to present to you a collection of fifty poster designs related to a subject area which is both very important and very broad - labour culture. A contemporary approach to business management often points to the fact that shaping safety culture constitutes an integral part of enterprise management and is an important element of building up its public image. A high level of safety culture has its measurable effects: a decrease in the accident rate and reduction in losses consequent upon incidents. With regard to its composition, safety culture is made up of the recognised safety values, attitudes and patterns of safety behaviour shared by all employees. Shaping up of the safety culture, however, requires not only constant attention to employees’ behaviour (offering encouragement to eliminate excessive risks at the workplace and promoting behaviour orientated towards protection of health and life) but it also calls for optimization of physical working environment (e.g. technology, equipment, procedures). Labour culture involves employees’ attitudes, their personality features, interpersonal skills and interpersonal communication, respect for norms of social and professional life, ability to handle difficult situations, to solve conflicts, integrity, language culture, etc. All those different aspects of labour culture are portrayed in various ways in poster designs made by artists, graduates and students of fine arts both from Poland and abroad.
Ninety three poster designs entered the competition, out of this number fifty were presented at the post competition exhibition and are included in this catalogue. We would like to thank to all the authors for their participation in the competition and extend our congratulations to all winners.
MAIN PRIZES: |  I prize Eugeniusz Skorwider |  II prize Mirosław Szczudlik |  III prize Maciej Mytnik |
HONORARY MENTIONS: |  Maciej Mytnik |  Barbara Rozlożnikova |  Maciej Mytnik |  Paulina Piorun |  Sebastian Mrozek |  Eugeniusz Skorwider special mention |
Authors of posters, which will be presented on the post-competition exhibition and in the catalogue (including awarded and mentioned posters ).
 XVI edition LIGHTEN THE LOAD (finished in 2007)
MAIN PRIZES: |  I prize Maria Puzyna |  II prize Wojciech Zając |  III prize Anna Włodaraska |
HONORARY MENTIONS: |  Maciej Mytnik |  Marek Osman |  Katarzyna Barcz |  Katarzyna Sochacka |  Ireneusz Parzyszek |
Authors of posters, which will be presented on the post-competition exhibition and in the catalogue (including awarded and mentioned posters ).
 XV edition YOUNG WORKERS - SAFE START (finished in 2006)
MAIN PRIZES: |  I prize Katarzyna Sochacka |  II prize Dita Krouzelova |  II prize Dita Krouzelova |  II prize Dita Krouzelova |  III prize Maciej Kamela |
HONORARY MENTIONS: |  Marta Semaniszyn |  Maciej Kamela |  Marek Osman |  Marta Semaniszyn |  Agnieszka Hańczuk |
Authors of posters, which will be presented on the post-competition exhibition and in the catalogue (including awarded and mentioned posters )
 XIV edition STOP THAT NOISE (finished in 2005) - list of the winners:
- Marek Osman, I prize
- Jan Filipek, II prize
- Maciej Burda, III prize
- Jacek Smolicki, honorary mention
- Jakub Jagiełło, honorary mention
- Anna Myczkowska, honorary mention
- Mirosław Rymar, honorary mention
- Monika Kamińska, honorary mention
- Konrad Boksa, special mention
 XIII edition BIOHAZARDS (finished on 28 May 2004) - list of the winners:
- Wojciech Zabłocki, I prize
- Jolanta Maj, II prize
- Filip Pręgowski, III prize
- Konrad Boksa, honorary mention
- Andrea Hrušková, honorary mention
- Justyna Rybak, honorary mention
- Marta Semaniszyn, honorary mention
- Kateřina Šobichowá, honorary mention
- Paulina Walter - special mention
MAIN PRIZES: |  I prize Wojciech Zabłocki |  II prize Jolanta Maj |  III prize Filip Pręgowski |
HONORARY MENTIONS: |  Konrad Boksa |  Andrea Hruskova |  Andrea Hruskova |  Andrea Hruskova |  Marta Semaniszyn |  Katerina Sobichova |  Katerina Sobichova |  Katerina Sobichova |
 Paulina Walter |  Justyna Rybak | |
 XII edition DISABLE PERSONS (finished in Decmeber 2003) - list of the winners:
- Mariusz Waras, I prize
- Wojciech Chorosz - II prize
- Justyna Rybak - II prize
- Izabela Cichy - honorary mention
- Ewa A. Kołodyńska - honorary mention
- Anna Kut - honorary mention
- Aleksandra Sawik - honorary mention
- Paulina Walter - honorary mention
List of authors whose posters were chosen for presentation during the post-competition exhibition and in a catalogue
 XI edition ELECTRICITY (finished on 8 April 2003) - list of the winners:
- Paulina Walter, I prize - PWSSP, Łódź
- Emilia Niewiarowska, II prize
- Sebastian Barabanow, III prize - ASP, Kraków
- Konrad Boksa, Honorary mention - ASP, Wrocław
- Maria Gromek, Honorary mention - ASP, Kraków
- Ewa Matras, Honorary mention - ASP, Kraków
- Marek Osman, Honorary mention - ASP, Kraków
- Natalia Osuch, Honorary mention - ASP, Gdańsk
MAIN PRIZES: |  I prize Paulina Walter |  II prize Emilia Niewiarowska |  III prize Sebastian Barabanow |
HONORARY MENTIONS: |  Konrad Boksa |  Maria Gromek |  Natalia Osuch |
 Ewa Madras |  Marek Osman |
 X edition TRANSPORT (finished in May 2002) - list of the winners:
- Max Skorwider, I prize - ASP Poznań
- Grzegorz Matusik, II prize - ASP Kraków
- Wiktor Pawlik, III prize - ASP Wrocław
- Agnieszka Kaczor-Kajdana, Honorary mention - ASP Warszawa
- Michał Krakowiak, Honorary mention - ASP Kraków
- Agnieszka Molak i Adam Wesołowski, Honorary mention - ASP Łódź
- Wiktor Pawlik, Honorary mention - ASP Wrocław
- Anna Witkowska, Honorary mention - ASP
MAIN PRIZES: |  I prize Max Skorwider |  II prize Grzegorz Matusik |
 III prize Wiktor Pawlik |  III prize Wiktor Pawlik |  III prize Wiktor Pawlik |
HONORARY MENTIONS: |  Wiktor Pawik |  Agnieszka Kaczor-Kajdana |  Michał Krakowiak |
 Agnieszka Molak, Adam Wesołowski |  Anna Witkowski |
Posters are the property of the Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute. All rights reserved, use or copying prohibited. Without the written consent of the Institute shall not reproduce and pass on posters in any form, including electronic

Copyright © Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy CIOP-PIB holds copyright in the information available on this website, unless otherwise stated. Copyright in any third-party materials found on this website must also be respected. Reproducing part or whole material contained on this website for dissemination is forbidden. The material contained on this website may be reproducer as part or whole solely for private purposes. |
ul. Czerniakowska 16, 00-701 Warszawa, tel. (+48 22) 623 36 98, fax (+48 22) 623 36 93 |