IEA/JOSE Best Paper Award - Rules
- The award is given every 3 years to the author (or authors) of the best paper published in the International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) since the previous award. The paper must adhere to the requirements of good science and/or practice.
- The award consists of a diploma. Up to three runners-up will receive diplomas.
- There is a two-stage procedure, nominations being the first stage.
- Members of the International Editorial Board of JOSE, subscribers, and readers of JOSE can nominate candidates for the award.
- In order to nominate a paper it is necessary to post, fax, or e-mail to the Editorial Office of JOSE a nomination form. A copy of the nomination form will be published in every volume of the journal and posted on the JOSE www page. The nominations should reach the Office by the date given in the form.
- Authors cannot nominate their own papers.
- The JOSE Editorial Office will make a list of all nominated papers, beginning with the paper with the highest number of nominations. The list — with the off-prints of ten papers with most nominations — will be sent to the Chair of the Jury.
- The second stage of the process consists of the Jury selecting the best paper out of the ten papers with most nominations.
- There are seven permanent members of the Jury. Five members are designated by the following individuals: President of the International Ergonomics Association, Chair of the Polish Ergonomics Society, President of the Ergonomics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Minister of Science — Chair of the State Committee for Scientific Research of Poland, Director-General of the International Labour Office. Two other members are the Chief Editor of JOSE and another member of JOSE (designated by the Chief Editor), who also serves as Secretary of the Jury. The Jury selects Chair and Vice-Chair. President of the International Ergonomics Association — in consultation with Chief Editor of JOSE — can nominate additional members of the Jury.
- Members of the Jury will receive off-prints of the ten papers with most nominations and will vote for the best paper by sending the Chair of the Jury information on their selection.
- The award is given to the publication, which received most votes (cf. point 10). If two or more papers receive the same number of votes, the award goes to the one the Chair of the Jury voted on. If the Chair voted of a paper other than one with the top number of votes, there is a second round of voting. Votes are then cast for one of the papers with most votes. Rounds are repeated until one paper has received most votes. In every round, the Chair of the Jury has the decisive vote.
- Should the Chair of the Jury be unable to fulfil his/her duties, including voting in a stage, the Vice-Chair will take them over.
- The winner will be announced in JOSE and on the JOSE www page.
- The award will be presented to the author (representative of authors) of the winning paper by President of the International Ergonomics Association, Chair of the Jury, and Chief Editor of the International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics at the 17th World Congress on Ergonomics, IEA 2009, in Beijing, China, August 10, 2009.
