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Department of Safety and Health Management - Our projects

Author name: Zofia Pawłowska
Title: Advanced statistical methods in analysing data on accidents at work and working conditions
Key words: Data analysis, accidents at work, working conditions, statistical methods

The basis aim of the project consisted in selecting and adapting methods of multi-dimensional analysis and data exploration for analysing data on accidents at work. The first stage of the project consisted in a general survey of the problems related to previous attempts to describe a model of accidents at work; advanced statistical methods that could be used in an analysis of gathered data were discussed and compared. Then the usefulness of advanced multi-dimensional analysis and data mining for analysing statistical data on accidents at work were verified in practice. Pilot studies were done  with selected method as were a preliminary implementation of those methods that turned out to be the most useful for further activities of CIOP-PIB's Centre for Analysing Accidents.
Recommendations on the use of advanced statistical methods and data exploration for more detailed analyses of data on accident at work were formulated on the basis of the results of the pilot analyses. They are meant for CIOP-PIB's Centre for Analysing Accidents. The recommendations include the scope of analyses with individual methods; in particular, the objects of analysis and the expected results were listed as were practical examples of the ways those analyses can be used to analyse statistical data on accidents at work in Poland.

The scope of analyses with individual methods was defined; in particular, the objects of analysis and expected results and practical examples of the ways those analyses can be used to analyse statistical data on accidents at work in Poland.


Author name: Jan Rzepecki
Title: An assessment of the differentiated contribution system in accident insurance as an economic stimulus to improve working conditions
Key words: differentiated contribution system in accident insurance, economic aspect

Methodology of studying the influence of the differentiated contribution system on preventive activities in enterprises was developed. Questionnaires were designed for gathering data on working conditions and contributions to social accident insurance. A questionnaire on the influence of the differentiated contribution system on activities in enterprises directed at preventing occupational accidents and diseases, and  a questionnaire on the cost of prevention related to meeting legal requirements. The questionnaire survey  was administered in 202 enterprises to check the stimulating effect of the differentiated contribution system on activities directed at improving working conditions in enterprises. The survey covered enterprises that registered at least 10 people for social insurance. Two criteria were considered in the analysis of the results of the survey: the size of the enterprise and its classification according to the contribution (high, medium and low). The analysis showed that the contribution system is an efficient motivation tool in the case of large and very large enterprises on the one hand, and those with a high contribution, on the other. This is especially true in the case of enterprises that are implementing or have already implemented an occupational safety and health management system.

The obtained results make it possible to identify factors that are detrimental to the stimulating effect of the differentiated contribution system in enterprises  

Author name: Małgorzata Pęciłło-Pacek
Title: Occupational safety and health management in corporate social responsibility enterprises
Key words: occupational safety and health management, enterprise, good practice

The main task of the task consisted in developing guidelines that would make it possible for enterprises to integrate corporate social responsibility with practices related to occupational safety and health management.
Selected documents with guidelines on corporate social responsibility  were analysed in the context on integrating them with occupational safety and health management systems that comply with the requirements of Polish Standard PN-N-18001:2004. On the basis of the analysis of literature sources and information available on the Internet, good practices in selected enterprises that conform to corporate social responsibility  in occupational safety and health management were studied.
All 25 good practices in corporate social responsibility  in the field of occupational safety and health were evaluated. Summary results of good practices regarding their innovation, the benefits they provide for the employers and the employees are presented. Also presented are the possibilities of using them in small and medium-sized enterprises.

Guidelines on implementing corporate social responsibility  in occupational safety and health in enterprises were developed.

Author name: Zofia Pawłowska
Title: Studying the mechanisms of the course of accidents with EUROSTAT's accident model
Key words: Accidents at work, causes of accidents, mechanism of accidents, EUROSTAT

The basic aim of the project was to learn about the causes and mechanisms of accidents at work by analysing statistical data on accidents of this type, with a model of an accident at work developed by EUROSTAT for European Statistics on Accidents at Work.
Log-line models were used to confirm the hypothesis on the significance of the interaction between different variables describing the circumstances and the course of an accident. Analyses were conducted to identify the most frequent accident scenarios in wood processing enterprises. Occupational accidents are most common in operating machinery, manual material handling and transport.
The impact of the working conditions on the rate of various sequences of events leading to an accident were analysed. The analyses showed that most occupational accidents were related to walking, running, climbing, descending, moving, using non-mechanical tools and handling materials. Some sequences of accident events are present irrespective of hazardous working conditions.


Author name:  Małgorzata Pęciłło-Pacek
Title: The impact of programmes modifying unsafe behaviours on the effectiveness of occupational safety and health management
Key words: occupational safety and health management, unsafe behaviours, programmes modifying unsafe behaviours

The project had three phases. The aim of the first phase was to develop and implement in selected enterprises programmes modifying unsafe behaviours. Phase two consisted in monitoring the way the programme were carried out and developing of methods and tools for studying its impact on the effectiveness of occupational safety and health management. During phase three the impact of implementing the programme on the effectiveness of occupational safety and health management was assessed.
The following were also developed:
- guidelines for implementing programmes modifying unsafe behaviours in an enterprise;
- educational materials for enterprises on modifying unsafe behaviours in an enterprise, they will be used at post-graduate courses in OSH management organized by CIOP-PIB.
Programmes modifying unsafe behaviours implemented in three selected enterprises included training workers and supervisors, watching and registering those behaviours and analysing their causes as well as diagnosing the quality of life and of safety culture. The results of monitoring programmes modifying unsafe behaviours indicate that in all enterprises that implemented them there was a rapid decrease in the number of unsafe behaviours in the first month after the beginning of the programme. The number of registered unsafe behaviours in the following months stabilized and gradually decreased. The programmes that were implemented also helped improve the level of safety culture and the quality of life in the three enterprises.

The developed and implemented programmes modifying unsafe behaviours helped improve the standards of occupational safety and health – both physical and organizational.


Author name: Zofia Pawłowska
Title: A study of the impact of implementing  the principles of corporate social responsibility workers’ quality of life
Key words: occupational safety and health management, workers’ quality of life

The basic aim of the project was to develop solutions supporting the implementation of the principles of corporate social responsibility in enterprises as a new model of shaping working conditions. The following tasks were accomplished:
- a study of the actions of enterprises within corporate social responsibility;
- a study of the workers’ quality of life in selected enterprises;
- an assessment of the impact of implementing  the principles of corporate social responsibility on the quality of life.
The analysis of the results of the study indicates there are statistically significant differences in parameters characterizing the quality of life in enterprises with various degrees of implementation of corporate social responsibility in the field of occupational safety and health. On their bases it is possible to conclude that the implementation of the principles of corporate social responsibility into occupational safety and health management can be one of the factors that positively affects the quality of working life, it can especially help increase work satisfaction, social support and well-being experienced by workers, and decrease the need to introduce changes at work.
Moreover, tools were developed for supporting social responsibility actions in the field of occupational safety and health. They have the form of check lists, which can be used in reviewing and assessing individual elements of occupational safety and health management in terms of introducing social responsibility in accordance with the ISO 26000 standard and supporting planning actions aimed at improving workers’ occupational safety and health with extending corporate social responsibility in mind.

The tool that was developed to support assessing social responsibility actions, in the form of check lists, can be used in reviewing and assessing individual elements of occupational safety and health management. It can also be used in planning actions aimed at improving workers’ occupational safety and health to extend corporate social responsibility.

Author name: Jan  Rzepecki
Title: A study of the effectiveness of human resources management in terms of occupational safety and health in an enterprise
Key words: human resources management, occupational safety and health, enterprise

The basic aim of the study was to develop methods of effective integrated management of human resources and occupational safety and health, and to identify factors that
influence it.
Two indices were suggested for use in effective human resources management (HRM); they were the participation index, i.e., the percentage of the general cost of HRM related to occupational safety and health out of the general cost of HRM; and the effectiveness index, i.e.,  the relationship between the cost related to occupational safety and health and the cost of prevention. The developed method was used to study the effectiveness of HRM in terms of occupational safety and health in 73 enterprises. The enterprises were divided into those with good, average and poor level of HRM.
The results of the study of the effectiveness of HRM in the 73 enterprises were analysed,  as were the results of a more detailed study  carried out in 25 enterprises.
Principles of good practices were also developed in integrated HRM and occupational safety and health, which included information and worker participation, organizational policy, a system of business and ethic values, planning human resources, recruitment and selection, preparation for work, training, motivation and assessment of the effectiveness of work.

The developed method can be used to study the effectiveness of human resources management in terms of occupational safety and health in enterprises.

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