Dear Dr. Koradecka:
We were shocked to hear the tragic news of the plane crash yesterday. The loss of so many lives, leaders and heroes at the same time is indeed sad news. On behalf of the entire IEA family we send our deepest sympathies. As we are professionals with common purpose, we are also bonded together as people with the same sadness about such a sad event. Please pass on our best wishes to everyone at the Central Institute for Labour Protection.
Andrew S. Imada, Ph.D. CPE
International Ergonomics Association
4910 Phelps Court
Carmichael, California 95608 USA
Dear Professor Koradecka,
Mr. Chaim Eliahu, the IIOSH general director, the management and the employees are sending to you and to all Polish people our sincere condolences in connection with the tragic and so untimely death of the President of Poland Mr. Lech Kaczynski, his wife, and all those that were killed in the plane crash. Our hearts are with you in these ifficult moments, and we hope that the Polish people will come out of this tragic event strengthened and united.
Yours sincerely,
Libby Koskas
Coordinator Foreign Affairs
IIOSH (Israel Institute for Occupational Safety and Hygiene)
Dear Danuta,
Please accept the expressions of my sincere condolances at the tragedy and loss that has happend to Poland.
Your colleague and friend,
Tatjana Petricek
Representative of Slovenia
Governmental Interest Group of
Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work

Dear Danuta,
Sincere condolences on the weekend tragedy and the loss of so many of Poland's senior people.
We have had much commentary in the media in Ireland and our President, Mrs Mary McAleese, participated at Mass in a Polish Church in Dublin yesterday.
Best regards
Tom Walsh
Coordinator of Governmental Interest Group of
Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work
Dear Danuta,
This Institute deeply shares your shocking sorrow and sends a warm support for Poland.
Yours faithfully,
Concepción Pascual Lizana, INSHT Director.
Mario Grau, INSHT Head for EU affairs.
Mercedes Tejedor, INSHT Head for International affairs.
Marta Zimmermann, INSHT Head of the Research Unit.
Dear colleagues from CIOP,
I cannot help expressing my most sincere and deepest condolence for the tragic event that occurred on April 10, 2010 for the whole Polish people and so, for you, too, as our colleagues from quite a long time.
I am also expressing them on behalf of my colleagues who want to asure you of our entire sympathy towards this tragic loss.
We do also believe that HOPE will not leave you now and ever. Moreover, I could see a lot of people on Sunday afternoon at your Embassy, in Bucharest. Please, believe me, that we all are very impressed and overhelmed.
With the most sincere and deepest sympathy for you all,
Ioana - Georgiana NICOLESCU, Dipl. Jurist
Coordinator of the International Relations Department
The National Research and Development Institute on Occupational Safety
I.N.C.D.P.M "Al. Darabont" Bucharest
35 A, Ghencea Blvd., Sector 6,
061692 Bucharest, Romania
Rome, Italy
Dear Director, prof. Danuta Koradechka,
together with the president prof. Gian Maria Fara and all the colleagues of
the Eurispes Institute in Rome, I want express You and Your collaboratos of
CIOP our deep sorry for the immense tragedy of Your country.
I am sure that You will be able to find the strenght to trust in the future
looking at the solidity of Your historical roots, the beauty of the polish
soul and with the help and the solidarity of all people of Europe.
We close participate to Your sorrow and embrasse You in this very difficult
moment. Your faithful
Prof. Marco Ricceri
Via Barberini 11 - 00187 Rome, Italy
Drodzy przyjaciele,
Poruszona bolesną wiadomością, którą otrzymaliśmy, nie przestaje myśleć o Was dzieląc z całym sercem wasz ból.
Z wyrazami szacunku
Twój przyjaciel, który nie zapomina Polska.
17, Rue des Tilleuls
54710 Fléville devant Nancy
Dear Jolanta,
Watching TV news and transmissions from Poland these days I found myself overwhelmed by the sad events. My family has some connections with people from the Polish community in Romania, descendants of victims from Katyn crime and now sufferers from that new tragedy. I feel a deep compassion and attachment for all people in so much grief and sorrow.
May their souls rest in peace!
Mihaela MOREGA, Professor,
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
313 Splaiul Independentei, 060042 Bucharest, Romania