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Project funded by the European Commission under
the "Competitive and Sustainable Growth" Programme (1998-2002)

International Workshop on


5-7 September 2005

We are very pleased to invite everybody to an International Workshop organised by the Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute as part of the Centre for Testing and Measurement for Improvement of Safety of Products and Working Life (TEST PRO SAFETY LIFE) project, which is carried out within the 5th Framework Program of the European Commission and co-organised by Coordination Action EMF-NET Effects of the Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: From Science to Public Health and Safer Workplace, which is carried out within the 6th Framework Program of the European Commission.

Workshop Patronats are:

International Union of Radio Science URSI and Polish National URSI Committee

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

Chief Labour Inspector

Chief Sanitary Inspector

Media patronat - Bezpieczeństwo Pracy

The Workshop will be held in conference rooms of Hotel Kyriad Prestige in Warsaw, Towarowa St. 2.   (see details)    

The main aim of the Workshop is to update knowledge related to electromagnetic fields (EMF) hazards in the workplace and methods of EMF risk evaluation and reduction.

This will also be an opportunity to exchange experience on international standards and regulations on EMF exposure in the workplace assessment and reduction, especially useful when implementing the requirements of the new EC Directive 2004/40/EC on occupational exposure to EMF into national regulations and practice. The poster session and discussions during sessions will provide a wide platform for exchanging and updating information.

The  following sessions are planed:
  • on 5 September 2005

    • General aspects of EMF exposure and regulations

    • Instrumentation and techniques for exposure assessement

    • Poster session

  • on 6 September 2005

    • Occupational exposure to EMF in various settings

    • Dinner

  • on 7 September 2005

    • EMF exposure assessment and EU Directive practical implementation - Round Table

    • Problems and perspectives for computational dosimetry of workers exposed to EMF

English will be the language of the Workshop. Interpretation into Polish will be available.

All abstracts will be published in Workshop Proceedings in Polish and English.

Selected full manuscripts will also be published in a thematic issue of the International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE), after JOSE's Guest Editors (Prof. Kjell Hansson Mild and Dr. Maila Hietanen) have accepted them for publication.

The Workshop is intended for researchers involved in EMF exposure related investigations in various areas; as well as for occupational safety and health engineers, inspectors; and other professionals interested in occupational safety and health  implementation of research results and regulations into enterprises, etc.

Participants with and without presentations are welcome.

Jolanta Karpowicz
for the Organising Committee

(Programme of the Workshop)    

Practical information for presenting authors:

- in the meeting room will be available Power Point facilities (Power Point 2002 XP version)

- because of the limited time for each presentations - only presentation from the conference computer will be possible

- to download files with presentation it will be possible to use DVD/CD drive or USB stick memory

- in the case that you would like to be sure, that your presentation work properly - please send to us your file - it will be downloaded and checked before conference

- please upload your file no later than during the coffee/lunch break before your session

- we would like to ask all presenting authors to make presentations a little shorter than slot of time from the program to make possible a short discussion after

- for each poster will be available vertical stand of the dimension 90 x 190 cm

- the facilities to place the posters to the stand will be available in the conference room

Important dates:

Submission of poster presentations and 2-pages abstracts by  16 August  2005

Registration and payment by 16 August 2005.

For more detailed informations about  hotels in walking distance from Workshop venue and  additional helpful informations for travel arranging please visit following web pages:


Hotel Kyriad Prestige [więcej...]

Hotel Campanile Warszawa [więcej...]

Hotel Premiere Classe [więcej...]

Hotel Sobieski [więcej...]

Hotel Marriott Warsaw [więcej...]

Hotel Polonia Palace [więcej...]


Warsaw Transport Authority (ticket tariffs) [więcej...]

Polish State Railways Joint Stock Company (PKP) [więcej...]

Warsaw Frederic Chopin Airport [więcej...]

Tourist information:

Warsaw - Official Web Portal [więcej...]

Warsaw Center Of Tourist Information [więcej...]

For more details and registration please contact

EMF Workshop Office - Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute
Czerniakowska 16, 00-701 Warszawa, POLAND

Jolanta Karpowicz, PhD
tel. (+48 22) 623 46 50; fax. (+48 22) 623 46 54
e-mail: EMFworkshop@ciop.pl; jokar@ciop.pl




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