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Services - Information

The Central Institute for Labour Protection offers information retrieval from the following databases:
  • OSH-ROM - world literature in the field of occupational safety, health and ergonomics
  • CCINFODISC - hazardous chemical substances
  • JUSTIS CELEX - European Union legislation
  • STANDARDS INFODISC - European, international and national standards
  • ERGONOMICS ABSTRACTS - abstracts of articles in the field of ergonomics
  • HASTE - information systems for working conditions monitoring
  • CURRENT CONTENTS - bibliographic information and abstracts of specialist articles in the field of occupational health and safety

The above mentioned databases are accessible at the Centre for Scientific Information and Promotion.

The Institute's Library possesses a specialistic collection of 35 thousand volumes of Polish and foreign literature and 160 titles of periodicals. The library catalogue operates in the ALEPH system and will soon be accessible on the World Wide Web.

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