Section for Calibration of Measuring Devices
 The Laboratory of Design and Calibration of Measuring Devices:
- develops methodology and designs stands for calibrating and checking measuring instruments used in testing laboratories within the national system of testing and certification with special regard to non-typical instruments used for occupational health and safety purposes,
- implements the designed stands into the Polish system of metrology ensuring competent, reliable and repeatable calibration and checking in accordance with Polish standards,
- creates the system of metrological supervision of measuring instruments on the basis of European (EN) and international (ISO) standards,
- implements, maintains and documents the quality assurance system in the field of calibration and checking measuring equipment of the Institute.
One of the first stands, designed and implemented, is a stand for checking the meters of energy expenditure at the work place. It allows for metrological supervision of these meters during their operation, carried out in accordance with the requirements of the quality assurance system.
Our project
Project number: 2.S.06
Author name: Grażyna Szlagowska
Title: Metrological supervision over measurement equipment used in laboratory tests in assessing conformity of products and in tests related to modelling working conditions
Key words: measurement equipment, laboratory tests, conformity assessment of products, working conditions
The aim of the task was to exercise metrological supervision over measurement equipment used in tests and calibration done in the Institute’s laboratories. The task was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories", which is the basis for the quality management systems in force in CIOP-PIB’s laboratories.
This aim was achieved through:
- metrological supervision over measurement equipment in the testing and calibration laboratories of the Institute,
- updating the procedures and instructions related to calibrating testing and measuring equipment.
1009 items of measuring and testing equipment were periodically calibrated and/or checked; they are used in the Institute in laboratory tests in conformity assessment of products and in tests related to modelling working conditions.
To improve the process of measuring and estimating their uncertainty, calibration methods of 15 types of elements of measuring and testing equipment were modified. At the same time methods of determining the uncertainty of measurements were updated in accordance with the requirements of the European Co-operation for Accreditation published in publication EA-4/02 "Expression of uncertainty of measurement in calibration".
These tasks were connected with making the system of instructions and procedures in the Institute uniform.
The obtained results ensure that the results of the test and measurements that are carried out can be related to state standards, in accordance with the measurement chain of the state system of measurements. Thus significant requirements of the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard have been complied with. Principles have been established for determining the uncertainty of measurements done during studies and thus the possibility has been created for correct assessment of their results and comparisons between CIOP-PIB’s laboratories and other ones, both national and foreign.
Head of the Laboratory
Grażyna Szlagowska, M.Sc. (Eng.)
e-mail: grszl@ciop.pl