Section for Standardisation
The tasks of the Institute in the field of standardisation is realised by the Standardisation Section and Standardisation Problem Committees (NKP).
 The Standardisation Section:
coordinates the work of Standardisation Problem Committees based at the Institute
- collects Polish Standards, European and international standards in the field of occupational safety and health; creating and updating computer data bases on these standards.
 Secretariats of three Standardisation Problem Committees work at the Institute:
- NKP 21 for Personal Protective Equipment
- NKP 157 for Physical Hazards in the Working Environment
- NKP 158 for Safety of Machinery and Ergonomics - General Problems
- NKP 159 for Chemical and Dust Hazards in the Working Environment.
Head of the Standardisation Section
Mirosława Świderska, M.Sc. (Eng.)