OSH abroad - European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work was established under Regulation no. 2062/94 of the Council of Europe of 18 July 1994. The legal basis for the Agency’s activities is defined by Regulation no. 1643/95 of the Council of Europe of 29 June 1995. The Agency has its seat in Bilbao (Spain).
 The Agency’s main objectives are:
- To collect and disseminate scientific, technical and economic information in the European Union (EU) member states; this information has the purpose of helping to define the national priorities and programmes and to represent a starting point for the definition of the priorities and programmes throughout the EU.
- To collect scientific, technical and economic information on research in the area of occupational safety and health and other research activities related to this subject and also to disseminate the results of the research and scientific activities.
- To promote and support cooperation and the interchange of information and experience among EU member states in the area of occupational safety and health, including information on training programmes.
- To organise conferences and seminars, as well as the exchange of experts from EU member states in the area of occupational safety and health.
- To make scientific, technical and economic information available to the authorities of the European Union which is necessary for the formulation and implementation of effective policies in the area of safety and health of workers; in particular to distribute scientific, technical and economic information, which is required for the implementation of tasks related to legislative work and the regulations on the protection of the safety and health of workers, as well as the influence of legislative processes on the activities of companies, especially SMEs.
- To create a network in cooperation with the EU member states and to coordinate its operations with the involvement of the national authorities and institutions acting within the framework of the EU and international authorities and institutions that prepare information on occupational safety and health and which provide services in this area.
- To collect and disseminate information on occupational safety and heath to third countries and international organisations (World Health Organisation, International Labour Organisation, Pan-American Health Organisation, International Maritime Organisation etc.).
- To disseminate scientific, technical and economic information on methods and tools that are required for preventive action, in particular the specific problems of small and medium sized enterprises.
- To support the development of future joint activities of European Community programmes related to occupational safety and health.

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
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