Laboratory of Psychology and Sociology of Work - About the Laboratory
 Profile of the laboratory’s activities:

- Analysis of the psychosocial properties of work as a source of stress, the consequences of stress in terms of the general feeling and health of employees, the role of individual differences in response to stress; the development of methods of measuring psychological stress in the work environment and the principles and methods of reducing stress at work (including the modification of model A),
- Analysis of the phenomenon of occupational burn-out,
- Development and verification of methods of psychological selection of candidates to work in difficult and dangerous jobs,
- Evaluation of the psychological loading in professions of particular arduousness (e.g. air traffic controllers),
- Analysis of the ergonomic properties of computer programs,
- Diagnosis and development of a safety culture in companies.
Laboratory Manager
Maria Widerszal Bazyl Ph.D. Human Science, D.Sc.
phone: (+48 22) 623 32 86, fax: (+48 22) 623 36 93
e-mail: mawid@ciop.pl