Department of Personal Protective Equipment - Our projects
Project number: 3.R.08
Author name: Agnieszka Kurczewska
Title: Testing the properties of composites of materials screening low- and medium-frequency electromagnetic fields
Key words: personal protective equipment, electromagnetic field, materials for protective clothing
The aim of the project was to develop model solutions in materials and clothing with properties that screen low- and medium-frequency electromagnetic fields (in the 50 Hz - 30 MHz range) for workers who are occupationally exposed to those fields.
To determine the dependence of the efficiency of screening an electromagnetic field on the structure of the material, principles for model constructions of flat textiles with properties that screen low- and medium-frequency electromagnetic fields were developed. Numberical simulations were conducted regarding screening an electromagnetic field by selecting eight models of structure of textiles for four different frequencies ( 50 Hz, 1 kHz, 500 kHz, 27 MHz). The modelling concerned the transmitting structure built into the textile that acted as the active component, whose structured defined the screening of the electromagnetic field. The results of the simulation made a qualitative assessment of the screening properties of the selected structures of materials possible. Then eight textiles were produced.
To supplement the tested materials, three materials available on the market were selected with active carbon and two basalt materials with steel yarn. Altogether, thirteen materials, including two wovens and eleven textiles, were selected to test the efficiency of screening low- and medium-frequency electromagnetic fields.
Criteria for assessing clothing protecting against low- and medium-frequency electromagnetic fields were developed in view of meeting the requirements of directive 89/686/EEC.
The results of the studies can be used in increasing the comfort of occupational safety.
Project number: 3.R.11
Author name: Grzegorz Owczarek
Title: Using fast Fourier transform (FFT) and fast wavelet transform (FWT) for thermal visualization in systems integrated with personal protective equipment
Key words: thermal visualization, personal protective equipment, occupational safety
The project aimed at developing Numberical algorithms that would support thermal visualization in workplaces with decreased visibility.
The preliminary stage of the project involved
- analysing the way of obtaining thermal images in the context of information that could be used in analysing the environmental conditions and ways of integrating modules for thermal visualization with personal protective equipment,
- determining the necessary requirements for processing information obtained with thermal visualization,
- analysing the possibilities of using the algorithm of reverse Fourier transform with a high- and low-frequency function in thermal images,
- preliminary algorithms and a computer program were developed for fast Fourier transform and fast wavelet transform.
Then, sample fast Fourier transform and fast wavelet transform of the registered sequences of thermal images were conducted. Algorithms that made it possible to establish the number of people in the registered thermal image were also developed. On their basis, original software (ThermoSearch) was developed; it detects and counts people in the thermal image.
The concept of a model of a system for thermal visualization was developed for places with decreased visibility. A model of this system was produced; it consists of three modules. The algorithm for recognizing people was also modified by introducing conditions for selecting areas of interest in the registered thermal image.
Fast Fourier transform (FFT) and fast wavelet transform (FWT) were used to develop information materials for designers of software for improving the information potential of an image. Ways of using those methods in processing images made in decreased visibility conditions (thermal imaging) are presented in those materials.
Project number: 3.R.05
Author name: Rafał Hrynyk
Title: Modelling systems of signalling puncture by chemicals with the use of microencapsulation
Key words: protective gloves, chemical agents, microencapsulation
The task consisted in selecting chemical substances for which the efficiency of the system of signalling puncture of protective gloves by chemicals was assessed. Then, principles were established for selecting indicator dyes that were characterized by an intensive change in colour when in contact with those substances.
Polymer carriers - in the form of microcapsules that enclosed indicator dyes - were developed. Infrared spectrophotomery was used to characterize the developed structures.
The next stage of the task focused on integrating the developed microcapsules with the materials used in producing all-rubber protective gloves. To produce model solutions for gloves integrated with the microcapsules with indicator dyes, two techniques were used: spraying microcapsules onto the form between the consecutive stages of dipping, and dissolving the microcapsules in dispersion used in one of the cycles of dipping the ceramic form. The materials used in developing the model construction of the gloves were natural latex rubber, polyacrylonitrile rubber and polyethylene.
Research conducted within this task made it possible to develop a system of signalling puncture of the all-rubber gloves by chemicals. The coloured samples of materials from the gloves that were integrated with the microcapsules with enclosed indicator dyes confirmed the effectiveness of the signalling of the end of the usability of the gloves meant for protecting hands in contact with chemical substances.
Project number: 3.R.04
Author name: Katarzyna Majchrzycka
Title: Studying phenomena in high-efficiency filtration systems modified in low-temperature plasma
Key words: personal protective equipment, filtration systems, low-temperature plasma
Research on modifying melt-blown non-wovens in low-temperature plasma involved using four gases – argon, oxygen, nitrogen and air – in various process conditions: gas flow velocity, power supplied to the reactor, the time non-wovens are processed in plasma and pressure in the chamber. The properties of the non-wovens after modification were evaluated: filtration efficiency against liquid particles was evaluated by measuring permeation by paraffin oil mist, filtration efficiency against solid particles was evaluated by measuring permeation by sodium chloride aerosol, changes in surface topography was evaluated with scanning microscopy, changes in the chemical character of the surface of the non-wovens was evaluated with infrared absorption spectrophotometry.
The research results regarding the stability of the obtained effects of modifying the surface of PP fibres confirmed that modifying melt-blown non-woven in argon was the best variant in view of an increase of the filtration efficiency and maintaining that value in time. As a result, those non-wovens were used in constructing a model filter. Tests conducted to check compliance with standard EN 143:2000/A1/:2006 that is binding in the EU confirmed that the model filter met the criteria for the highest, 3rd class efficiency for multi-use filters.
The results of the studies can be used in increasing the comfort and safety of the working conditions.
Project number: 3.R.06
Author name: Piotr Pietrowski
Title: Modelling physicochemical characteristics of carbon sorbents with plasma
Key words: carbon sorbents, plasma, research
The aim of the project was to develop the principles of activating carbon sorbents through their modification with low-temperature plasma. This was done by:
- initial selection of parameters of plasma treatment (kind of discharge, kind of plasma, time plasma is active) and a study of the impact of the effect of plasma on chemical and physical characteristics of carbon sorbents;
- a study of dynamics of the adsorption of modified carbon sorbent against acetone and cyclohexane vapours to verify the parameters of plasma treatment and to develop the principles of transferring the developed technology of modifying the surface of carbon sorbents with plasma from the laboratory to an industrial scale.
The result of the study and an analysis of the results consists in the development of the principles of transferring the developed technology of modifying the surface of carbon sorbents with plasma from the laboratory to an industrial scale.
Project number: 3.R.03
Author name: Bartkowiak
Title: Modelling local heat transfer in textile packets with phase-change materials
Key words: Protective clothing, phase-change materials (PCM), thermal manikin
Models of flat textile products with phase-change materials (PCM) were developed and produced as part of this project. They are meant to be used under hermetic protective clothing. The materials that have been developed and produced are innovative, especially in the case of vests, made of a three-layer nonwoven in which macrocapsules of PCM were introduced into its channels.
The efficiency of clothing with PCM was preliminarily confirmed on the basis of a simulation of heat transfer between a human in barrier protective clothing and the surroundings, performed using the developed Numberical model. The model of simulating heat transfer offers great opportunities of analysing the impact of such variables as the type of barrier clothing that can or cannot remove sweat, the kind of PCM in clothing, the level of metabolism and energy expenditure, microclimate outside clothing on internal temperature, skin temperature, loss of water by the body of the user of hermetic protective clothing. Tests of PCM clothing done with a thermal manikin in a climatic chamber showed that it can remove heat off the surface of the manikin.
Tests with volunteers showed that clothing made of a three-layer non-woven filled with macrocapsules of PCM showed positive impact on the shaping of the microclimate under hermetic protective clothing. It has been found to reduce the temperature of microclimate under clothing depending on the location as much as 2 to 4 ºC and humidity up to 15% in comparison with the variant of cotton underwear.
The test results can be used to improve the comfort of working conditions.