Department of Safety Engineering - Our projects
Project number: 5.R.08
Author name: Andrzej Grabarczyk
Title: A method of detecting electrostatic discharge in the working environment for preventing ignition of potentially explosive atmospheres
Key words: electrostatic discharge, working environment, explosive atmosphere, detection of ESD
The aim of the project was to investigate the possibility of using impulse electromagnetic emission that takes place during electrostatic discharge (ESD) to detect and locate it. The use of this method in workplaces in which there are explosive atmospheres and materials would make early detection of explosion initiated by ESD possible, it would make a post-factum analysis of the causes of the explosion easier.
Within this project methods of detecting ESD were analysed and the method for carrying out this project was selected. A model of a radioelectronic measurement device for detecting and locating ESD was designed, produced and tested. Then the efficiency of the model of the system was tested in the working environment; the practicality of the method was assessed. The ability to locate ESD and calibration were tested in a laboratory; detection of ESD in an industrial environment was tested.
The project resulted in a model of a new device assisting in an assessment of occupational risk related to the possibility of ignition of explosive atmospheres by ESD.
Project number: 4.R.03
Author name: Andrzej Grabowski
Title: Developing a functional model of a two-camera intelligent safety system for detecting dangerous situations at a robotized workstation
Key words: intelligent safety system, dangerous situations, robotized workstation
The project involved constructing a neural system that made it possible to determine the spatial location of an object entering a zone monitored with cameras. A PC-compatible program implementation of the developed neural system was also prepared. Specialist computer software for generating synthetic stereoscopic images was also developed.
A vision system consisting of two professional matrix cameras was developed. Procedures for calibrating cameras and for preparing a reference depth map were also prepared. Then, the vision system was integrated with the new neural system. The last part of the project consisted in testing the developed neural system in virtual reality, with a functional model of the vision safety system. Synthetic images made it possible to use the computer model to test an assembly line and to compare the operation of a light curtain with a vision safety system.
Tests indicate that the developed functional model of a safety system can be used at robotized workstations.
Project number: 1.S.03
Author name: Agnieszka Wolska
Title: Updating maximal admissible exposure values for laser radiation according to EU requirements
Key words: exposure limit values, laser radiation, legislation
The task consisted in analysing potential hazards related to the effect of laser radiation on biological tissues, presenting statistical data on accidents caused by laser radiation, the most frequent causes and effects of accidents and the occupational groups most at danger. Then criteria and maximal admissible exposure values listed in directive 2006/25/EC and in the regulation of the minister of labour and social policy on maximal admissible concentrations and intensities in the working environment were compared.
The comparative analyses were the basis for developing documentation for the Interdepartmental Commission for Maximum Admissible Concentrations and Intensities for Agents Harmful to Health in the Working Environment including a draft of maximal admissible exposure values for laser radiation in accordance with the exposure limit values for this kind of radiation, which have been accepted in Annex 2 to directive 2006/25/EC.
During the next stage of the task changes were made in the documentation on changing maximal admissible exposure values for laser radiation that follow the decisions made at the 61st meeting of the Commission for Maximum Admissible Concentrations and Intensities for Agents Harmful to Health in the Working Environment. Meetings were taken part in, at which regulations on occupational safety and health related to exposure to optical radiation were created, as were changes in Annex 2, Part D "Optical radiation" of the regulation of the minister of labour and social policy of November 29, 2002, on maximum admissible concentrations and intensities for agents harmful to health in the working environment that implements directive 2006/25/EC into Polish law.
Participation in creating the draft of the regulation of the minister of labour and social policy was instrumental in adapting Polish law to the regulations of directive 2006/25/EC on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to risks arising from physical agents (artificial optical radiation).
Project number: 4.S.12
Author name: Antonii Saulewicz
Title: Reducing occupational risk related to the negative effect of the virtual environment on human
Key words: virtual environment, occupational safety, exposure, effect on human
The aim of the task was to develop recommendations for users of immersive virtual reality related to reducing occupational risk of using that environment.
The task involved developing:
- a list of the most frequent characteristics of people with increased personal susceptibility to a negative effect of immersive virtual reality,
- a list of the most common immersive virtual reality symptoms of the negative effect of immersive virtual reality on human,
- recommendations for users of immersive virtual reality that would make it possible to remain safe both during exposure and after it is over in the context of ensuring safety of people exposed to that environment.
Project number: 4.S.10
Author name: Agnieszka Wolska
Title: Monitoring exposure to natural ultraviolet radiation in workers employed at outdoor workstations
Key words: ultraviolet radiation, outdoor workstations, monitoring exposure
The general aim of this task consisted in developing methods of measuring exposure and assessing occupational risk of workers exposed to natural ultraviolet radiation. The risk natural ultraviolet radiation poses to selected groups of workers in Poland was analysed on the basis of literature. A methodology of dosimetric measurements of single doses of ultraviolet radiation in individual workers was developed and verified in pilot studies.
Next, measurements were carried out and exposure to ultraviolet radiation was assessed in selected occupational groups in Poland. Criteria and methods of assessing occupational risk in workers exposed to natural ultraviolet radiation were developed taking into consideration the obtained results of measurements.
The results of measuring exposure show that the following occupational groups are at very great risk from radiation: sea rescuers, installers of tracks and farmers. Gardeners, construction workers and workers constructing roads are at great risk, whereas fishermen are at a very small risk. The developed method of risk assessment, which is based on maximal predicted UV index, is more restrictive than the method PN EN 14255-3:2010 suggests.
Introducing practical use of the developed method of risk assessment will help employers use and comply with the basic principles of reducing that risk. Moreover, workersʼ awareness of the risk to health posed by ultraviolet radiation will be greater than ever.
Project number: 4.S.11
Author name: Krystyna Myrcha
Title: Developing recommendations for assessing and reducing accident risk in in-house transport
Key words: in-house transport, accident risk, risk assessment
The task consisted in an analysis of current publications, regulations and standards on safety requirements in in-house transport. On that basis requirements were selected regarding the means of transport that are used. Statistical data on accidents at work in in-house transport were analysed and the main causes of those accidents were identified.
Legal bases on occupational risk in in-house transport were analysed. Also presented were the employer's obligations that follow.
Three operator workstations representative for in-house transport were selected together with representatives (workers and OSH services) of three enterprises: an overhead crane, a fork lift and a hoisting winch. Then operations and activities at those workstations were defined. Dangerous mechanical factors, their sources and related mechanical hazards were identified, too.
Occupational risk at those workstations was assessed with the STER computer system. As a result of an analysis of those workstations and the tests that were carried out, the main mechanical hazards were identified. They can be considered representative and specific or in-house transport.
Recommendations and 8 check lists for reducing risk of accidents in in-house transport were developed.
The recommendations and the 8 check lists that were developed on their basis make it easier for employers to identify hazards in in-house transport as well as inspection, planning and taking up preventive actions aimed at avoiding them or minimizing their effects.
Project number: 3.S.09
Author name: Mariusz Dąbrowski
Title: Development of principles of ensuring safety in pneumatic control systems
Key words: control systems, pneumatic technology, occupational safety
The main aim of the task was to develop suitable tools, including guidelines, check lists and a draft of a validation procedure for pneumatic control systems in machinery, which would support the operation of notified bodies in the scope of assessment of machinery and state bodies authorized to carry out surveillance of the market and the activity of manufacturers and users of machinery regarding proper designing, constructing and maintenance of those systems.
The task involved:
- a review of literature, regulations and standards on the subject of this task
- identification of dangerous zones and hazards posed by pneumatic systems in stationary industrial machinery
- defining safety requirements regarding the construction of those systems with consideration for resistance to defect
- defining the principles of conducting and documenting validation of pneumatic control systems for the purposes of assessing compliance
Moreover, the following were developed:
- recommendations for constructing and maintaining pneumatic control systems with safety functions
- check lists for checking compliance of pneumatic industrial machinery with safety requirements
- a draft procedure for checking validation of pneumatic control systems
The final results of the task were as follows: guidelines for using and maintaining pneumatic systems with checklists and a draft procedure for checking validation of pneumatic control systems for assessing compliance.
The results of the task will be used in carrying out procedures of assessment of EC compliance of machinery for the purposes of surveillance of the market.
Project number: 3.S.08
Author name: Andrzej Dąbrowski
Title: Constructing a test stand for testing portable chain saws according to the latest requirements of standards
Key words: portable chain saw, test stand, assessment of safety
The aim of the task was to ensure that CIOP-PIB maintained the competence of a notified body regarding testing and certification of combustion and electric chain saws in accordance with the new requirements of the EU.
The current system of testing saws at CIOP-PIB was analysed, including test stands, testing procedures and instructions. Standards indispensible for testing were identified and all potential groups of hazards posed by saws were analysed. All tests necessary for assessing risk posed by using those machines was defined for those groups.
A test stand was constructed and modernized; testing procedures and instructions were changed suitably for the constructed and modernized laboratory equipment. The scope of activities included combustion and electric saws.
78 elements of the system of testing were covered. 44 of those elements were related to test stands, other measuring and testing equipment and additional accessories, whereas 34 were related to procedures and instructions.
Project number: 3.S.07
Author name: Tomasz Strawiński
Title: Developing standardized procedures and modifying test stands for testing compliance and periodic testing of gloves and electroinsulating footwear and electroinsulating tools
Key words: electroinsulating footwear, protective gloves, electroinsulating tools, testing procedures
The aim of the task was to update testing procedures and to modify test stands for testing compliance and periodic testing of gloves and electroinsulating footwear and electroinsulating tools.
The task resulted in the development of testing procedures:
- NBR-01 "Testing gloves made of electroinsulating material for live working"
- NBR-02 "Testing electroinsulating footwear"
- NBN-01 "Testing hand tools for work at the voltage of alternating current up to 1000 V and direct current up to 1500 V"
- NBR-03 "Periodic testing of gloves and electroinsulating footwear"
A test stand was also designed and produced; applicability and correctness of all the work was verified. The results were implemented into the system of quality management of the CIOP-PIB testing laboratories. A positive result of an audit by the Polish Centre for Accreditation followed.
Project number: 3.S.05
Author name: Andrzej Pawlak
Title: Developing a procedure for testing non-laser optical radiation emitted by machinery
Key words: non-laser optical radiation, machinery, testing procedures
The main aim of the task consisted in developing testing procedures for non-laser optic radiation emitted by machinery for the purposes of categorizing machinery regarding hazards related to that radiation. The most frequently used industrial machinery that emits ultraviolet, infra-red and visible radiation was surveyed. To determine potential hazards, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation emitted by selected machinery used in the food, electronic and printing industries was measured. Two testing procedures for measuring the effective intensity of ultraviolet radiation (NBP-1) and measuring the intensity of infra-red radiation (NBP-1) were developed for assessing the emission category of machinery, including estimation of measurement uncertainty.
A testing procedure for measuring visible radiation (NBP-3) assessing the emission category of machinery, including estimation of measurement uncertainty, was also developed.
After receiving up-to-date calibration certificates for a set of probes from LOT-Oriel Ltd. necessary calculation corrections were introduced to the estimated uncertainties in the already-developed procedures NBP-1 and NBP-2. Then, by making relevant measurements for real machinery, the developed procedures were verified in practice. Procedure NB-3 was verified with measurements of effective energy luminance emitted during photocopying done with a photocopier/printer CPS 700 from OCE. An extension of the scope of accreditation for CIOP-PIBʼs Laboratory of Optic Radiation was applied for.
Project number: 2.S.06
Author name: Marek Dźwiarek
Title: Development of an estimate method of determining the probability of the loss of the safety function by control systems of machines
Key words: control systems of machines, occupational safety, robust probabilistic analysis
The aim of the task was to provide designers of machinery and industrial automation systems with an accessible and relatively simple method of assessing machinery control systems regarding resistance to defects, especially accidental ones. This aim was met thus:
- data indispensible for carrying out a robust probabilistic analysis of resistance to defects of selected control systems of machines were determined,
- a robust probabilistic analysis of resistance to defects of selected control systems of machines was carried out,
- a simplified method of assessing resistance of machinery control systems to defects, which makes determining the frequency of their periodic inspections simple was developed.
The developed method was verified with practical examples of three control systems that have the safety function in machines. Using the developed methods makes it possible to determine the level of ensuring safety that has been achieved for these systems and to determine the recommended frequency of their periodic inspections.
The results of the task follow:
- a probabilistic method of estimating the certainty of the safety function by the machine control systems,
- practical examples of the way the developed method can be used.
The developed methods will be used in assessing safety devices in the Centre for Certification of CIOP-PIB and for expert opinions on the requirements of safety and introducing into use new and modernized machinery.
Project number: 4.R.16
Author name: Andrzej Dąbrowski
Title: Determining the risk of kickback in cutting wood with different characteristics in preventing accidents
Key words: Kickback, cutting wood, wood characteristics, saw chain characteristics, injury risk, accident prevention
A theoretical analysis was conducted of the influence of the characteristics of wood on kickback in portable chain saws on the basis of current knowledge on woodworking and earlier analyses and results of studies on kickback.
Next, a detailed method of testing was developed; it considered test stands, chainsaw tools that are used, selection of wood samples for the tests, variants of tests and mathematical tools for a quantitative assessment of the phenomenon. Specific cutting resistance (with a chain saw) was measured. Moreover, the speed of the chainsaw running on a guide bar was studied and measured with a camera and a special computer program for analysing film records; the volume and length of the kerf in wood samples was also measured. The possibility of decreasing the angle of kickback in cutting wood with different characteristics was also studied and analysed by changing the characteristics of saw chains taking the influence of the operation of the saw brake into consideration.
Guidelines for users of chainsaws were developed.
Guidelines for users of chainsaws were developed; they focus on decreasing the risk of kickback when cutting wood with different characteristics.
Project number: 4.R.15
Author name: Antoni Saulewicz
Title: Determining changes in visibility of the surroundings by forklift operators in the context of accident risk
Key words: Forklift operators, accident risk, visibility of the surroundings
Forklift operatorsʼ behaviour in computer simulated conditions of decreased visibility was determined. The behaviour of 42 persons was studied when they were transporting loads with a forklift in decreased visibility from the operator's seat. The next stage of the project consisted in determining forklift operatorsʼ behaviour in real conditions in order to compare them with behaviour in simulated conditions and to verify prior results. The behaviour of 16 experiences operators transporting loads with three real forklifts was studied. Cameras and image recorders were used to determine the magnitude of sideway inclination of the operator's head. During the last part of the project changes in the visibility of the surroundings by the forklift operators were determined in the context of accident risk. Three forklifts from three different enterprises were used. 58 operators participated in the study.
A guide for forklift operators was also developed.
The guide for forklift operators that was developed can be used as a tool for decreasing accident risk in this group of workers.
Project number: 4.R.04
Author name: Marek Dźwiarek
Title: Developing a method of virtual modelling of danger zones for assisted selection of protective systems at the stage of designing machinery and production systems
Key words: Danger zones, selection of protective systems, virtual modelling
The aim of the project was to develop a technique of virtual modelling (understood as modelling in a virtual reality) of danger zones for assisting selection of protective systems at the stage of designing machinery and production systems. The scope of the project included developing the principles of modelling danger zones and protective devices using a virtual model of a machine and the principles of integrating those models with a system of interactive communication with the user in a virtual reality. This resulted in an improvement in the currently used methods of virtual prototyping of machinery with additional functions assisting in selecting protective systems and an assessment of their efficiency.
The final result of the project consisted in:
- virtual models of protective devices for implementing in databases of objects for constructing virtual models of machines and production systems and to be used in a virtual environment for simulating production processes;
- software for visualizing danger zones when creating a virtual prototype of a machine or a production systems.
The results of the project will be used in providing expert opinions on selecting protective systems at the stage of designing machinery and production systems. They will also be disseminated among designers of machinery during conferences, seminars and training courses.
Project number: 1.R.17
Author name: Andrzej Pawlak
Title: A study of the influence of the quality of lighting on visual comfort and the work efficiency of people with moderate eyesight impairment
Key words: visual comfort, quality of lighting, people with visual impairment
The aim of the project was to study the influence of lighting on work efficiency and visual comfort of low vision people with a various degree of eyesight impairment.
As a result of the project:
- a model of a luminaire was developed, with parameters that consider the various lighting requirements of low vision people with moderate eyesight impairment;
- work efficiency and visual comfort of low vision people with a various degree of eyesight impairment working with the developed lighting systems were studied in experiments;
- guidelines and recommendations were developed for designers of lighting and employers regarding ways to light workstations with average difficulty of visual work depending on the kind of moderate eyesight impairment, and guidelines and recommendations regarding the organization of worktime of low vision workers.
A statistical analysis of all the results was done; graphs illustrating the results of individual optometric tests and questionnaires were developed, too.
Guidelines and recommendations for designers of lighting and employers regarding ways to light workstations with average difficulty of visual work depending on the kind of moderate eyesight impairment, and guidelines and recommendations regarding the organization of worktime were developed.
Project number: 4.R.17
Author name: Mariusz Dąbrowski
Title: Determining the influence of the shape of the tool on the initiation and speed of ejection/kickback of milled wood in the context of accident risk
Key words: woodworking, accident risk, kickback
The basic aim of the project was to modernize a stand for testing kickback and then to use it to study the influence of the shape of the body of the woodworking tool and the cutting edge protruding outside the body of the tool during woodworking on the risk of kickback. The speed of kickback is the measure of that risk.
Test were conducted on the stand for testing kickback modernized prior to those tests. The test stand was equipped, among others, with a high-speed camera for registering the course of the test at max. 1000 frames per second. Samples for tests were made of three materials widely used in woodworking: pine wood, chipboard and MDF. All the test were repeated 10 times. A statistical analysis of the uncertainty of the results were conducted for that number of repetitions, which was then used in an analysis of the test results. That analysis makes it possible to make a deliberate selection of the cutting tools, which will help decrease the level of risk during woodworking.
The results of the project were used in the current edition of the training materials used in the postgraduate courses run by CIOP-PIB. A guide was also developed for carpenters with recommendations regarding safety at workstations equipped with vertical woodworking machines.
Project number: 4.R.06
Author name: Dariusz Kalwasiński
Title: Developing an interactive application with the virtual reality computer technology for investigating accident situations in the metal industry to be used in prevention
Key words: accident situations, metal industry, prevention, interactive application
The main aim of the project consisted in developing an interactive application (further referred to as a tool for an interactive simulation of the operation of a lathe), which would make it possible to investigate accident situations to be used in prevention and training courses that develop safe work behaviours in lathe operators. This tool was developed using virtual reality, which makes it possible for a person immersed in the virtual environment to participate in a simulated process of lathing and in reconstructions of accident events in this environment.
The initial phase of the project involved an analysis of typical causes of accidents in the metal industry and the development of a general action plan for creating a computer tool for an interactive simulation of the operation of a lathe. Guidelines for the development of this tool were formulated.
A computer virtual reality working environment was created for simulating the operation of a lathe in a mechanical workshop. This environment was programmed regarding barriers between objects in the simulated working environment, the dynamics of the events present in the environment, interaction between the objects in the environment and in the scope of registering events present in the environment during a simulation. This made it possible to develop the tool for an interactive simulation of the operation of a lathe.
The developed tool can be used in investigating causes of accident events in operating a lathe and of the effect of the operators' behaviour on the occurrence of accidents. This tool can also be used in practical training of young operators of lathes.
Project number: 4.R.05
Author name: Paweł Budziszewski
Title: Developing a prototype of a tool that uses advanced computer simulations to assist in analysing and reconstructing the course of accidents at work caused by mechanical factors
Key words: accidents at work, computer simulation, mechanical factors
The project aimed to develop a tool that used computer simulations in analysing/reconstructing the course of a specific class of accidents at work taking into consideration the laws of dynamics, biomechanic properties of a human body, information gathered at an accident site and medical information on persons involved in accidents, and experts' knowledge on determining the causes of accidents.
Software necessary to carry out the task was selected: the Madymo Numberical package and the Pedestrian computer model of a human. The principles of gathering and specifying data on accidents at work to be used in reconstructions were established.
Then, the possibilities of using the Pedestrian computer model of a human in reconstructing accidents at work were analysed. Information on accidents at work available in CIOP-PIB and in the database of the National Labour Inspectorate was analysed. On that basis two cases most suitable for a reconstruction were selected. Both of the selected accidents at work were reconstructed, which made it possible to select the most probable variants of the events that had led to the accidents; their probable causes were determined.
Both the authors of the project and specialists in simulations and reconstructions of accidents confirmed that the method can be successfully used in reconstructions of accidents at work caused by mechanical factors.
Project number: 2.R.12
Author name: Agnieszka Wolska
Title: Developing a method for assessing occupational risk related to combined exposure to UV radiation and chemical agents
Key words: occupational risk assessment, chemical agents, workers' exposure UV radiation
The aim of the project was to develop - on the basis of the results - a method and criteria for assessing occupational risk related to combined exposure to natural UV radiation and phototoxic substances present in asphalt fumes.
Road construction workers involved in surfacing roads and producing asphalt were the subjects of this study. They were exposed to the combined effect of natural UV radiation and chemical agents.
The project involved developing a method of measuring workers' exposure to UV radiation and a method of measuring the intensity of inhalation and dermal exposure to chemical agents of workers surfacing roads. Pilot measurements of exposure to the combined effect of natural UV radiation and chemical agents took place; they were used to verify the developed methods. Those measurements were followed with measurements of combined exposure to natural UV radiation and phototoxic substances present in asphalt fumes at 88 workstations.
An analysis of the results was used as a basis for developing criteria and methods for assessing occupational risk related to combined exposure to natural UV radiation and phototoxic substances.
Measurement data for workers exposed to erythmal radiation were used to develop criteria for occupational risk assessment and to estimate exposure rates on a given day.
Implementation of the developed method of occupational risk assessment into practice will result in workers' compliance with the basic principles of reducing this risk; it will also help in raising workers' awareness regarding the health risk caused by combined exposure to natural UV radiation and phototoxic substances present in asphalt fumes.