Testing Laboratories Division
Testing of products connected with occupational health and safety for their certification and testing of working environment factors not connected directly with product certification are carried out by Testing Laboratories Division. The Institute's laboratories work under a system of quality assurance in accordance with PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard: "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories". The laboratories were accredited on November 15, 1995 (current accreditation certificate No. AB 038 granted by the Polish Centre for Accreditation).
 The scope of product testing for certification includes testing of:
- personal protective equipment together with the material and elements used for its manufacturing,
- collective protective equipment together with the material and elements used for its manufacturing,
- machines and industrial devices, and their sub-assemblies,
- ladders of general use.
 The scope of testing of parameters and factors connected with working environment includes testing of:
- vibro-acoustic and microclimatic parameters, lighting, infrared radiation and electromagnetic fields at the work places,
- concentration of harmful chemical substances in air at the work places,
- physiological parameters of man in the working environment,
- toxicity of chemical substances used in the working environment.
Head of Testing Laboratories
Kinga Makuła, M.Sc. (Eng.)
e-mail: kimak@ciop.pl