- Act of 26 June 1974 - Labour Code (final text: Journal of Laws of 1998 no. 21, item 94 as amended).
- Act of 6 June 1997 - Penal code (Journal of Laws no. 88, item 553 as amended).
- Act of 7 July 1994 - Construction law (i.e. Journal of Laws 2000 no. 106, item 1126 as amended).
- Act of 10 April 1997 - Energy law (Journal of Laws no. 54, item 348 as amended).
- Act of 6 March 1981 on the National Labour Inspectorate (final text: Journal of Laws 2001 r. no. 124, item 1362 as amended).
- Act of 14 March 1985 on the State Health Inspectorate (final text: Journal of Laws 1998, no. 90, item 575 as amended).
- Act of 24 August 1991 on fire protection (Journal of Laws no. 81, item 51 as amended).
- Act of 21 December 2000 on technical inspection (Journal of Laws no. 122, item 1321 as amended).
- Act of 22 January 2000 on general product safety. (Journal of Laws 2000, No. 15 item 179).
- Act of 3 April 1993 on tests and certification (Journal of Laws no. 55, item 250 as amended).
- Act of 30 August 2002 on the conformity evaluation system (Journal of Laws no. 166, item 1360).
- Act of 19 June 1997 on the prevention of use of products containing asbestos (Journal of Laws no. 101, item 628 as amended).
- Act of 30 October 2002 on social insurance from accidents at work and occupational diseases (Journal of Laws no. 199, item 1673).
- Act of 11 January 2001 on chemical substances and preparations. (Journal of Laws 2001, No. 11, item 84).